So, yeah...

Naw...that one makes me feel like I'm about to get beat it harkens back to the times when we would see Scanty in old posts....she needs to update it! I like the current one.
Awww... c'mon... everyone loves a yob job now and then.

There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.
There's a girl in Marlowe's class whose last name is Surrey...and she's from England....
**Twilightzone music***

Yeah... I lived in Surrey. In Dorking.

*ahem* Did you know, that HG Wells' War of the Worlds starts in Dorking?
He drifted off long, long ago. There have been 3 major upheaval departures that I can recall in OTC history. You left in the second major exodus as did he. I tried to find him about 6 months ago, but everything bearing his old monkier died out over a year prior to that.

Although I didn't so much leave as bog off to university and suddenly get a life. You see, now I am a bum once more I have to find solace in the message boards.

Just don't mention the word 'censorship'.

Still got contacts, love? (eye variant, not publishing world)

England is getting waylaid by the aussies in cricket... sad thing that. The aussies are quite a powerhouse.

*adjusts monocle*
Yes I still have contacts. Why? Random. I'm saving up for laser eye surgery. When I say saving up, of course, I mean thinking about saving up.

I'm not much of the cricketing type i'm afraid. In fact the whole thing bores me to tears. I've never watched a game of cricket in my whole life. Or a full episode of Eastenders for that matter, which is far too low brow.

*gets out embroidary*
Heyas Scanty!

Welcome back, and Happy New year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year.

Ya missed a few, eh
Yes I still have contacts. Why? Random. I'm saving up for laser eye surgery. When I say saving up, of course, I mean thinking about saving up.

I'm not much of the cricketing type i'm afraid. In fact the whole thing bores me to tears. I've never watched a game of cricket in my whole life. Or a full episode of Eastenders for that matter, which is far too low brow.

*gets out embroidary*

I was just thinking now that you're published and making JK Rowling bucks, I figured you might have gone for the lasik by now.