

Too cute for words
...who's he been listening to?

President Bush has acknowledged that the situation in Iraq is "tough" and he will listen to American generals for change of strategy to get a handle on escalating violence in the country.
yeah, um, maybe it is time to start listening to them instead of basing decisions on fairy tales.
Bush met with Gen. John Abizaid, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East, at the White House for a half-hour Friday afternoon. The White House said Abizaid already was in town and Bush asked him over. The president also will consult by video conference on Saturday with Abizaid at U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Fla., and with Gen. George Casey, who leads the U.S.-led Multinational Forces in Iraq, to determine if a change in tactics is necessary to combat the increasing violence.

Despite calls for change, Bush said, "Our goal has not changed. Our goal is a country that can defend, sustain and govern itself, a country that which will serve as an ally in this war. Our tactics are adjusting."

Turn off the liberal side for 6 months & the battle would be all but over. As long as the left sides with our enemy, they'll remain encouraged to continue fighting.
The right is siding with the enemy and has made them stronger and the US less safe.

The left is siding with most of the American people, most of the US soldiers, and most of the Iraqi people who all want us out of Iraq.

Bush has been ignoring generals advice since the beginning. He always talks to the generals and "hears" what they say. Meaning their voices make vibrations in his ear, not that he does what they suggest.
...who's he been listening to?

Dunno, but I hope I am reading it right when I postulate that this may turn the tide. I hope it means he will now stop putting so much weight on what the UN thinks; what the "international community" thinks; what the buffoons here at home think; what the media says; in other words, what everyone in a less culpable role has to say. I hope that's what it means. I have my reservations about it, but I can hope.
Time for plan B: Make Iraq the 51st state and start pumping it full of welfare $. Being oil rich, it will become the next Alaska... except that its flat and hot.
Time for plan B: Make Iraq the 51st state and start pumping it full of welfare $. Being oil rich, it will become the next Alaska... except that its flat and hot.

Keep it a terratory, it's not high on my list as a vacation resort...

Venusalia is the one that needs to be the 51st state...
Dunno, but I hope I am reading it right when I postulate that this may turn the tide. I hope it means he will now stop putting so much weight on what the UN thinks; what the "international community" thinks; what the buffoons here at home think; what the media says; in other words, what everyone in a less culpable role has to say. I hope that's what it means. I have my reservations about it, but I can hope.

Excuse me, but if in fact we had at any point put any weight at all on what the UN or the "international community" thinks, we wouldn't be there in the first place now, would we?

Oh, and regarding the rest of your post, you're kidding yourself.
Paris Hilton could do a better job than the current guy. She's got more smarts.

Foolish comments like that is why folks can't take a debate seriously with much of the left. Instead of debating policy, actual policy not innuendo policy, you guys keep attacking the man.

Guess what? He's the President & none of you are. Now, get off his back with stupid comments & move to the political ring.
Foolish comments like that is why folks can't take a debate seriously with much of the left. Instead of debating policy, actual policy not innuendo policy, you guys keep attacking the man.

Guess what? He's the President & none of you are. Now, get off his back with stupid comments & move to the political ring.

That's no lie.
the venom the left shows for GW is less-than-or-equal-to that of the rights for WJ. comes with the job.