That's what I've been doing for what seems like forever. That's kind of my way of doing things actually, because I think that if you push stuff and force it to happen, you'll only teach yourself to hate it - it'll become more of a chore and not a pleasure.
So yeah, I usually just wait for things to come naturally. But I'm gonna have to start making myself think soon...cos it's getting silly just staring at words all the time.
Perhaps you should stop trying to wirte the great dickensian novel of the age and just scribble out bland tv scripts. Thats where the money is. Cheap mini novellas about dyslexic eskimo ninjas attending a rural French university with nudity and cheap pun infested jokes. Dreary and formulaic ... it puts food on the table.
Believe me, I do Gato. I've been doing this for over two years now. The problem is I can't NOT try and write this amazing world-changing life-changing piece of literature. I'm a bit like that. I hate doing stuff that's been done before. Problem is it makes it very hard sometimes.