Some strippers dancing without a licence


Well-Known Member
Some strippers dancing without a licence
The Toronto Sun

TORONTO -- Strippers who've been unable to renew their licences to dance because of the civic workers strike may be slapped with charges by Toronto Police or bylaw officers, an industry group says.

Twenty-one Toronto clubs and any of their strippers with expired licences could be charged, said Tim Lambrinos, of the Adult Entertainment Association of Canada, who alerted the clubs.

More than 100 dancers of the 1,200 registered in the Toronto area have expired licences, he said yesterday.

But his association has a legal opinion that the charges won't stand up in court because of the work dispute, Lambrinos said.

"The dancers can receive a conviction if they get charged," he said, adding: "They are only allowed six infractions for the year."

Dancers and the clubs can be fined more than $500 if a stripper doesn't have a valid licence, which is renewable on their birthday. The association became involved after a number of tickets were handed out to dancers.

Business at some strip joints is down 15% because of the economy, and dancers and clubs can't afford to pay the fines, he said.

The dancers must dish out $350 and pass a criminal background check to get the yearly permits.

[email protected]

Toronto stinks! Recently more than before, of course ;)

Wouldn't I like to be the civil servant that has to go into all those strip clubs and those poor young women's licences to ensure that they're well within the law. The overtime alone would be worth it.
They've got a nice breakfast buffet at some joints. You can feast your eyes and have a feast at the same time. Never did like Chez Parée much..prefered Wanda's - they've got a nice 2nd floor balcony/bar now. No dancing, but cheap booze, a good place to have a ceegar and the girls on break come over and chat.
Is wanda's still open? i keep getting conflicting reports.

I just found out that the pub that dad and I always used as out starting point on our Glasgow pub crawl burnt to the ground. Heart breaking, I tell ya.
The Bay horse. Business listings still show it, but I just couldn't find it on Google street level . Well yesterday, I was scouring the web for Scotch pie recipes and found a site dedicated to Glasgow, sort of like a Classmates site. Thumbing through the pub listings ... there it was. Add to that, 90% of the neighbourhood I used to play and pretty much grew up in is gone. Ground subsidence gave the council the excuse they wanted to flatten all the tenements and build it back up with 'new, modern' housing. :barf:
Bish wasn't that far from it when he first got married either. I think I only ever ate there once. I think Chance took us, didn't he Bish?
Bish wasn't that far from it when he first got married either. I think I only ever ate there once. I think Chance took us, didn't he Bish?

Yeah, he did. I lived a few blocks past the McD's on St.Jacques after I got married...for just shy of a year (until we got robbed and then moved to the SShore.

Used to hit it for breakfast after work.... not quite the same as a Harveys burger at 9am for raising eyebrows, but :)