something that pissed me the eff off the other day....


New Member
i was at my old highschool's graduation yesterday with kittie, and as we were leaving, this old couple walked right out in front of this car, and when the car didnt come to a dead halt that very second, they became angry.
walking at a speed so slow that it could be rivaled only by a turtle, they spewed hatred towards the driver.
"HAVE RESPECT FOR THE ELDERLY!" was among their words.
and that's one of my buttons that people should never push ever.
so, i got fired up.
and joined in... i shouted at the driver, "YEAH, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, WHERE'S YOUR RESPECT FOR THE ELDERLY!? JEEZ, MAN!"
kittie said the old lady looked at me with a death-glare, (which i didnt see) and i heard her call me a bitch.

but i dont fuckin care. in fact, i am pleased with my beligerence.(sp).

when the the general population known as "the elderly" ... or any other generalised age group, for that matter... proves themselves worthy of what they demand in such statements as what i heard the other day.... then i will stop being angered by this.

being a fucking moron and then demanding respect is not usually an effective way for one to gain the respect which they demand.

to kittie, i ranted about this all the way back to the car. i was angry.

the end.
Respect earns respect......age has nothing to do with it :shrug:

*remembers a "nice old guy" that used to live on his street, we were told as kids to always be polite to him out of "respect" wasn't until I got to know his son years later that I found out mr "nice old guy" used to regularly beat the shit out of his wife and children*
That's why I so love the crosswalk laws in AZ & Cal. If you ain't in one, you're fair game.
Oz said:
Respect earns respect......age has nothing to do with it :shrug:


i hate when people assume they're automatically entitled to greater respect just because they happened to have been squirted out sooner!
Gonz said:
That's why I so love the crosswalk laws in AZ & Cal. If you ain't in one, you're fair game.

HAHA! i knew there was a good reason -- other than loving the weather and scenery and other stuff -- for me to love arizona!
ash r said:

i hate when people assume they're automatically entitled to greater respect just because they happened to have been squirted out sooner!

Ash darlin'....yer got a great way with words :D
This is why I don't slow down for pedestrians. You'd be amazed at how fast old folk can move with a ton of steel bearing down on them.
Depends. If they're obviously not wasting time and they're trying to get out of the way, I'll slow down. If they're being pricks about it, I've been known to goose it...
Interestingly, if you judiciously use the parking brake in a front drive car, you can get quite a satisfactory tire squeal without actually endangering anyone. :D
Unless that brake cable snaps, in which case, you're looking at vehicular homicide charges. I prefer the old clutch-gas roar. Doesn't work with 4 bangers, tho.
Oz said:
Respect earns respect......age has nothing to do with it :shrug:

*remembers a "nice old guy" that used to live on his street, we were told as kids to always be polite to him out of "respect" wasn't until I got to know his son years later that I found out mr "nice old guy" used to regularly beat the shit out of his wife and children*
Unless he drives, Oz may know this situation as it happens a lot over here. You stand in line for the bus for 35 minutes. For 25 of those minutes you ARE the line. Then a throng of elderly people turn up. Bus arrives 10 mins later and, when you attempt to get on first as you have been waiting the longest at the head of the queue, all you get is a stream of abuse and the 'respect for the elderly'. How about respect for the poor bastard who just had to stand waiting in the rain for 35 minutes? EH!!

Mebbe she's drunk or summit?

*has been known to type in a mysterious code while imbibing the odd tipple*
Gonz said:
That's why I so love the crosswalk laws in AZ & Cal. If you ain't in one, you're fair game.
I prefer the Montreal method. Those nice yellow parallel lines on the street are there to help you line up your wheels correctly with the edge of the sidewalk so that you can push the pedestrians back onto the fuckin' sidewalk where they belong :D

Jaywalking is an art in Montreal ... a dying art. :D :rofl: