Sometimes birds are not the most intelligent.


New Member
a week or two ago, my dad was in the computer room upstairs at the house. he heard a loud bang, and went downstairs to investigate. he saw a mourning dove laying in the snow on the deck. it was dead. he picked it up on a shovel and threw it into the woods behind our house.
that night, when it was dark, he turned on the deck light. the ghostly outline of where the bird had hit appeared.


stupid bird.

(sorry if this was crude)
I've taken a seagull and an owl off the windshield. That's quite a bit cleaner than what mine left behind.
Professur said:
I've taken a seagull and an owl off the windshield. That's quite a bit cleaner than what mine left behind.

You ever have to clean a quail out of the grill? takes a month to clean out the feathers.
I hit a dove with my car. I didn't mean to, but the dumbarse took off from the side of the road, and flew right into my front bumper. I heard the thump, and saw it go careening over the windshield. Never did see it land...
:hmm: You know that sounds worse than it really is, right? Ever try going to a car wash that has those undercarriage sprayers?
Gato_Solo said:
:hmm: You know that sounds worse than it really is, right? Ever try going to a car wash that has those undercarriage sprayers?
They have those?

Majestix? that does sound worse!
ash r said:
i just realized my post had a more somber tone than i meant it to.... i think it's hilarious
hey chick, I may need your address. I got something going up on ebay that, if it doesn't sell, I'm gonna send you.
I've never hit anything bigger than a squirrel, but I once had a deer hit me. Fucker came charging out and slammed his head into my rear quarter panel as I blew by at 50. Made a hell of a noise.

I went back, but he'd gotten up and run off.
I was driving a POS beat-up Plymouth Sundance. You really couldn't tell any difference.

This was back when I was dating the person I'd eventually marry, and she was in the passenger seat. Made a real impression on her. :lloyd: