Soooooooooooo what'dja get?

utoh! :eek:

We're doing Christmas for each other in January (eyeglasses for both of us) so it was just little gifts this year. Anyway, I got a NICE flatiron. Everyone at work keeps telling me how much they like my new flatiron. My old one seems to have really sucked! My parents gave me a new set of stoneware for 8.
utoh! :eek:

We're doing Christmas for each other in January
Ditto here! I really wanted a swing with a canopy for outfront to sit at nights, oh and a kitten. Im sure i'll get the swing but as for the kitten not to sure, unless his dogs die soon. :erm:
among other things, i got an alice in wonderland chess set!
now i have to learn how to play chess!

and jjr512 gave me an itunes gift card :)
among other things, i got an alice in wonderland chess set!
now i have to learn how to play chess!

and jjr512 gave me an itunes gift card :)

I have always wanted one of those. Is it the glass set? I have had my eyes on that thing for years. But with kiddos and a very mischevious kitty, I think I will wait.
mine's one where its these little resin figures. the pawns are white rabbits, the queen is alice, the king is the white king (though the colors in this game are red and blue... hopefully that's not confusing), the knights are the white knight (again maybe confusing), the bishops are the mad hatter, and the rooks are the tweedles.

those glass chess sets are really cool, though. my bff has one that her brother bought for $10 at sears in an after-christmas sale a few years ago. i guess if you put it up, it could be safe from the kiddies/kitty?
She could put it up, yes, but then it would never be seen or enjoyed.

My dad has an ivory chess set that his brother/my uncle brought back from Vietnam.
That sounds so cool ash! I have resigned to owning nothing very nice until my children grown. Comes with the terriotory. I don't mind though. We have just as much fun playing on our cheapie set that doesn't break. :D
I got lots of material things but one of the best things I got , was a call from a very sweet guy , it meant alot to me ..

Someone got into your pants OldHippie?!?!
I got (as leslie so delicatly puts it) "jew gear" Isrealy dog tags, with a jewish prayer on one side.


Dr. Who love is the best love.