
I found a Persian market that has most of what I need - ghee and all and the cookbook is a great intro to Indian cuisine. I should pop over to PIL and see if Dev can relate some of her fav's.
Tonight was Balti butter chicken and gobi cauliflower with rice. It was damned good too! The girls actually ate the chicken and rice and liked it. I didn't give them any cauliflower because I deemed it spicy! :headbang:
Tonks? Foodwise you should hook up with Dev from PiL - she's made a whole bunch of really tasty sounding recipe suggestions over the years.
No probs - I noticed the indian theme and dev's always got more ethnic interesting stuff on the go, so I logically thought that you two should knock heads. ;) I PM'd her as well from another site that she posts at just in case she missed the thread.

you wanna ask Dev for some recipies!

over here you can get all the ghee and wotnot easy ... heh, we had this MD drive down from Manchester (hardly un-multicultural itself) and ring up asking for direction from the motorway ... he described where he was driving through as (exact words)

"Like Karachi"

i said, yup :grinyes: you are on the right track carry on to over the flyover , come on in till the lights take a right .... etc ...

Done well, Indian food is right up there with italian for me!

best, BB

:bgpimp: :tomato: :toast:

Great minds ... or just lazy readers?

... i'm just off fer a nap ;)