South African court rules for same-sex 'marriage'

AlphaTroll said:
Really? And you base that on...what exactly?
The reaction of the South American and African (N&S) churches in the past (related to the ordination of women) and in the present (re: the blessing of same-sex unions. There is a palpable chance at a full split between the North American and UK churches and the S.American and African Anglican churches.

I am assuming that such conservativism is at least somewhat reflective of the society as a whole.

Other than that, I've heard as much from a S.A. expatriot with family still in Johannesburg (sp?), for whom I worked.
AlphaTroll said:
As far as I know it is dependent on the will & testament of the deceased, unless contested.

The case I was thining of (the gay guys) is a guy wh's partner died and as far as I can recall he was nmed as beneficiary, but now the deceased guy's family disputes any relationship between the two, even though the guy can prove that they were living together as a commonlaw couple.

Like I said. How is this any different from heterosexual couples? :p