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Staff member
I feel that it's getting a little bit out of hand again. What I see is thread after thread of back and forth personal conversations which would be better suited to messenger services than a bulletin board. It seems again that the board is becoming one which alienates newcomers and those who post less frequently because of the extreme cliqueisheness here.

For one who comes less frequently than hourly or even daily or weekly, it's difficult to feel one is welcome to get a word in edgewise, to understand what the members are talking about, to even follow some threads. I've noticed lately a lot of old members who have been awol coming back and trying to contribute and a) being completely ignored and/or b) having their posts buried immediately in a flurry of conversation. I've noticed this also happening to regular members who aren't able or willling to spend all day here, who just want to come and post and have a good comfortable time.

It's not conducive to having them come back, and it's not conducive to welcoming new members to have themselves be buried like this either. Several of our regular members have felt ostracized and alienated, and I sincerely hope that this trend does not continue.
Leslie said:
I feel that it's getting a little bit out of hand again. What I see is thread after thread of back and forth personal conversations which would be better suited to messenger services than a bulletin board. It seems again that the board is becoming one which alienates newcomers and those who post less frequently because of the extreme cliqueisheness here.

For one who comes less frequently than hourly or even daily or weekly, it's difficult to feel one is welcome to get a word in edgewise, to understand what the members are talking about, to even follow some threads. I've noticed lately a lot of old members who have been awol coming back and trying to contribute and a) being completely ignored and/or b) having their posts buried immediately in a flurry of conversation. I've noticed this also happening to regular members who aren't able or willling to spend all day here, who just want to come and post and have a good comfortable time.

It's not conducive to having them come back, and it's not conducive to welcoming new members to have themselves be buried like this either. Several of our regular members have felt ostracized and alienated, and I sincerely hope that this trend does not continue.

Thank you for bringing it up. I have to agree that personal back-and-forths are more off-topic than it needs be. There's some humour to be found in that sometimes, but if someone is on their 10th back and forth with one person...perhaps they should consider going to PM, or jumping into the Shout Box.

As for alienating new members or come-back kids... I don't see that happening very often, but then again...I don't get to recieve too many complaints, nor do I have access to that part of the board where problems are aired out.

Thanks for bringing it up Leslie :)
MrBishop said:
Thank you for bringing it up. I have to agree that personal back-and-forths are more off-topic than it needs be. There's some humour to be found in that sometimes, but if someone is on their 10th back and forth with one person...perhaps they should consider going to PM, or jumping into the Shout Box.

As for alienating new members or come-back kids... I don't see that happening very often, but then again...I don't get to recieve too many complaints, nor do I have access to that part of the board where problems are aired out.

Thanks for bringing it up Leslie :)

I'm in agreement with both of you. I haven't been a member for that long, but have noticed it as well. At times I go to a thread that looks interesting, but upon reading the last parts, it's personal stuff between two people, therefore I refrain from adding anything. Thanks as well Leslie.
I'm glad you brought it up as well Leslie, I posted my thoughts about the welcoming commitee thing in the other thread though.
so when old and new members say that they feel alienated you disagree with them that they do? maybe some expansion is in order?
I sy they need to integrate more. I've never refused to converse with anyone here. Ever. I doubt anyone else has. Colossal stupidity might get someone ignored for a bit. But anyone entering a conversation I'm in is, and always has been welcome.
Professur said:
I've never refused to converse with anyone here. Ever. I doubt anyone else has. Colossal stupidity might get someone ignored for a bit. But anyone entering a conversation I'm in is, and always has been welcome.
that's super in theory...but it doesn't seem to be working in practice...look back over the last few days at the non-hourly posters...see how many replies or welcoming acknowledgements they get. I see an awful lot of buzzing right over to continue the convo of the moment. :shrug:
Hmmm, OK so I do understand that the personal convos get in the way.......but has anyone considered PM the people involved (or just telling them/us/whatever in the thread) & explaining that they're doing wrong. At least that way you don't have to sit & stew over it & be unhappy.....chances are they'd probably stop doing it and if they don't you could go the reporting route if you really so desire.

And I doubt very much that anyone deliberately tries to alienate anyone, it's just that sometimes two or three members are having a bit of fun without realising that others may not be able to follow or aren't quite in the same mindset (and we all do this IRL too, don't we?).

Anyway, I think that, in a way, if all the posts or exchanges that could be viewed as 'personal conversations' are suddenly moved to PM or messenger whatever the case may be, the threads could become really quiet indeed, which would also probably alienate new members.
reporting, censoring...I don't think it needs to go that far...I just wanted to make a bit of a heads up...that in some cases we're being quite rude, and treating the boards as a chat room rather than a bulletin board.
Leslie said:
reporting, censoring...I don't think it needs to go that far...I just wanted to make a bit of a heads up...that in some cases we're being quite rude, and treating the boards as a chat room rather than a bulletin board.

Agreed there. It's hard for someone to follow a conversation they understand nothing about. If you go to a thread, you usually think the comments will be about that thread, and not something completely off topic. If people are referring to things that you have no clue about, you won't bother putting in a comment.
Since I'm not one to take a thread off topic.....:rofl4: Did i really say that? :eek5:

Seriously..its not so much the off topic way of things that bothers me. Its when a thread becomes a 2 party conversation. Not the running jokes, mind you. They offer anyone a chance to jump in and contribute. But who feels like stepping into the middle of an obvious personal conversation between 2 people? Even the conversations don't anger me. But it gets bothersome when you open 3 or 4 threads in a row in different forums and find they've all been taken over by the same 2 members and the same conversation...
I'd like to see us work on our continuity...Instead of dumping everything in the LL, put it in the forum it belongs in....It would make the boards much easier to read and far more enjoyable.

Just my walnut....:retard:
So we should stop an ongoing conversation for the sake of someone who hardly even contributes to the board on a regular basis? A one post wonder?
If its a personal conversation, it probably shouldn't be in a thread anyway....If its a running dialogue of humor that allows for others to join, it doesn't matter. Personal conversations should take other routs..PM, IM...etc :nerd:
And just from outa left field here....but some members feel left out when others start talking about people who used to be members here / things that happened in the past.

It's the way of the message/bulletin board I suppose, but it's no less alienating than people taking over threads with those pesky lil personal convo's.

Ah well, hakuna matata I say.
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