Spirit or possible loss of it


PASADENA, California (CNN) -- After two days having trouble with transmissions, the Mars rover Spirit sent data Friday morning to its NASA flight team in a communications session lasting at least 20 minutes, the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory said.

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Is it just me or does this planet just eat all man made machinery that lands on the surface. I just hope nasa can figure out if this is just something that happend to spirit or if its going to happen with its sister ship opportunity. Spirits not a complete loss yet lets hope!
the martians beat on it, with their martian hammers, which are a lot like our hammers, only diffrent.

nothing lasts there, it's strange
I'm more worried about future trips to Mars than the current trip. The information that it's giving back is incredibly usefull...and it would be a loss if we lost transmission permanently. Hopefully, we'll figure out what we're doing wrong before we start sending people up there :)
a13antichrist said:
With any luck Opportunity can go check out what's happened to Spirit..

It'll be slow as hell mission to check up on it. Spirit travelled 10 feet in 30 min so I don't have much faster hopes for Oppertunity. Oppertunity might also succumb to the red planet.
IDLEchild said:
It'll be slow as hell mission to check up on it. Spirit travelled 10 feet in 30 min so I don't have much faster hopes for Oppertunity. Oppertunity might also succumb to the red planet.
Only problem being they're also on total opposite sides of the planet, it would make for even more slow going! But you know love may be in the air and it could see them through :banana2::retard5: