Well-Known Member
unclehobart said:Its going to snap back to chilly here too.
In the middle of winter???Oh. My. Gawd. Call CNN!!!
unclehobart said:Its going to snap back to chilly here too.
Professur said:Oh, please. 4 states have northern borders further north than I am right now. You planning on signing them over?
Scratch that. I just recounted. At least 8 states.
South Shore... 20 mins drive. You my back yard just a few years agoNixy said:How far outside Montreal are you exactly?? There was like no snow or anything anywhere when I was in downtown Montreal this weekend. it via email from Mare...along with a few other eye-opening pics..ahem.Slim Pickens said:Bish, where was that?
MrBishop said:South Shore... 20 mins drive. You my back yard just a few years ago
City streets and sidewalks get cleared and/or rolled over by cars and trucks... the snow melts faster than "pristine" snow in my back yard.
The South Shore is 'south' of Montreal much like Laval is 'North' of it.Nixy said:Oh I know I was in your backyard...but I couldn't place your house on a map, hell, I couldn't even tell ya in what direction from Nat's we drove to get to your place...I picture Laval as north of downtown but I could be wrong.
MrBishop said:The South Shore is 'south' of Montreal much like Laval is 'North' of it.
If you use a compas, it's more like East-South-east, but don't tell that to the natives
Professur said:Oh, please. 4 states have northern borders further north than I am right now. You planning on signing them over?
Scratch that. I just recounted. At least 8 states.
Mt niece caught one that was right at 5 pounds 2 days ago.MrBishop said:Dayum!
catocom said:Mt niece caught one that was right at 5 pounds 2 days ago.
I was going to take a pic of it for Prof's daughter...Same fish, but she had
it out of the water for a while before I got out there.
That fish grew to near twice the size, since the 4th last year.
SouthernN'Proud said:For all I care, you coulda had 'em 150 years ago.
Come to think, please do take 'em. That would require a passport to come down here that way. Plus we could extradite 'em easier than we can to New Hampshire as it is.
I'm liking this notion better and better the more I think about it...
TexasRaceLady said:And, my car has turned the greenish-yellow of pollen. *sigh*