Squiggy had an idea....


Any chance of getting a chat started? Not for issues. Just for light hearted banter between members....
i don't know if it is there yet, but xibase has/had a chat channel on irc. it almost ruined the board because people didn't post anymore after the chat became useful.
Interesting. I figured it would keep threads from being hi-jacked or drifting off topic from the subject. (caught myself doing that today)
i'm not a big fan of it, i remember at xi the board came to a grinding halt.

there are many members here that chat regularly on msn, aim or icq though. :)
IRC causes nothing but death for small-medium sites like xibase and us. We should probably wait until 500-600 people actively visit the board at the same time, to the point where there'd be a posting overload no matter how many forums we add, and then try endorsing an IRC channel of some sort for quick nondescript chatter.
whoreable said:
besides just think of how boring an actual chat would be.

:eek: I agree with whoreable. I think the chat option, besides being bad for the board, wouldn't be as cool as the open discussions here. If you aren't there when it happens, you would never know it even happened. I like the fact that I can go away for the weekend, and catch up on Monday.
PuterTutor said:
whoreable said:
besides just think of how boring an actual chat would be.

:eek: I agree with whoreable. I think the chat option, besides being bad for the board, wouldn't be as cool as the open discussions here. If you aren't there when it happens, you would never know it even happened. I like the fact that I can go away for the weekend, and catch up on Monday.
He agrees with me again :D :D :D
PuterTutor said:
I think the chat option, besides being bad for the board, wouldn't be as cool as the open discussions here. If you aren't there when it happens, you would never know it even happened. I like the fact that I can go away for the weekend, and catch up on Monday.

I guess that sums up my position.
Here's the conversation from the shoutbox, in descending order (newest first)
we said:
fury (delete) 12-16-02, 5:26:30 pm
If the same amount of people ended up on an IRC channel at any given time, their time would be divided between posting and IRCing. Besides, this site is based on off topic chattering. There's no point in having both an OT forum and an IRC channel. IMO we're still too small a community to have both.

PuterTutor (delete) 12-16-02, 5:26:06 pm
81 visitors in the last week? That's more than I thought.

Shadowfax (delete) 12-16-02, 5:25:49 pm
shouldn't this be a thread or something? i've been wondering about this after vortex mentioned it...

the chat didn't do much good for xi, but for otc it would be different perhaps...not sure though, but curious about other opinions...

now. come on. and stop discussing and start shouting

fury (delete) 12-16-02, 5:21:50 pm
Make that 81. But only 66 have posted in that time.

Vortex (delete) 12-16-02, 5:21:46 pm
But wait, on IRC, the one channel (small) has 10 at any given time, and the other has around 20-30 at any given time.) obviously these numbers flux given time of day etc

fury (delete) 12-16-02, 5:21:06 pm
About 70 have visited within the last week...

Vortex (delete) 12-16-02, 5:18:49 pm
Um, the one has about 200 (HUGE community), the other is a lot smaller, about 50 people (Close community )

PuterTutor (delete) 12-16-02, 5:12:48 pm
How many members do those other forums have? You're looking at a core active membership of around 40 to 50 here.

fury (delete) 12-16-02, 5:12:44 pm
It doesn't much work when you don't already have a crapload of people visiting at any given time. Xi was about 10-15 people strong at its best before we introduced the IRC channel. I'd say it's a safe bet that an IRC channel now would absolutely kill us. Maybe when there's regularly 30-40 people online...

Squiggy (delete) 12-16-02, 5:05:41 pm
My experience is similar to Vortex's

Vortex (delete) 12-16-02, 5:03:51 pm
Bha! What a lie! There is IRC on 2 other forums I am on, and it has never once killed off the posts! It acrually creates a stronger community basis within those forums, and still the posts come in strong!

Maybe it only worls on those two forums, but you never know, ,if you give it another shot, it might work again.

PuterTutor (delete) 12-16-02, 5:03:27 pm
I was expecting it to tell me that I had used too many characters. Is there a limit to the length of a Shout? I wonder if I just keep on typing if it will just let me make it as long as I want to. Hmmm. Ok, Im about where I was on my last one, now I'll just add a couple more sentences and see what happens.

Squiggy (delete) 12-16-02, 5:00:59 pm
The IRC discussion should be in a thread. Shouts are for short messages...

fury (delete) 12-16-02, 4:56:34 pm
Agreed. IRC killed Xi, then Xi killed IRC, but never recovered.

PuterTutor (delete) 12-16-02, 4:50:36 pm
I don't. If we were all on here at the same time, it would work, but the way it is, some of us don't read the posts until the next day, yet still have something to say about them. I think we need to keep it the way it is. IRC would just dramatically drop the posts, and at the same time alienate the people that are here when nobody else is.

Vortex (delete) 12-16-02, 4:45:10 pm
I still vote we need IRC for OTC!
Okay, ,well since this IS being 'discussed' in thr shour box, and this was brought to my attention, I'm gonna post here...

Just for the record, there is IRC on 2 other forums I am on, and it has never once killed off the posts! It actually (as far as I've seen) creates a stronger community basis within those forums, and still the posts come in strong! - it actually makes it all fun, cause you know the "gossip" as it were behind many of the posts that do happen on the boards!

Maybe it only worls on those two forums, but you never know, ,if you give it another shot, it might work again.

Maybe I'm also alone in my thinkings, but it might be something you people could consider :)
even though the chat would be nice, talking to eachother on the boards still has some benefits...having a chat wouldn't be good for the boards.
if there are members you really like to talk to in a more personal way there are always options like msn messenger and icq, and also irc...:)

but a otc chat...i thought it would be a nice idea, but the disadvantages outweigh the advantages...
Vortex said:
it actually makes it all fun, cause you know the "gossip" as it were behind many of the posts that do happen on the boards!
So then what do we do when someone reads an inside joke, doesn't get it, and leaves, pissed off because they don't feel like having to go to both IRC and the board to understand the posts?

I'm not trying to sound hostile towards the idea, I just happen to be hostile by my very nature... IRC killed Xi, and Xi was (still is) my first real site ever :crying3:
I don't really see the benefit, if we want to have a discussion about anything and everything, we can do that now, instantly, if we go off topic, or wander, so? It's off topic. IRC may be a little faster, but like you said yourself Vortex, you feel in the know becuase you were there, but there are members of this forum all over the world, working all kinds of schedules, meaning there are going to be people that have no idea what goes on in IRC, and they are going to feel left out.
fury said:
I'm not trying to sound hostile towards the idea, I just happen to be hostile by my very nature... IRC killed Xi, and Xi was (still is) my first real site ever :crying3:
Nha, it's cool, it's just a suggestion (that I still feel stong towards! :D :angel: ) But if it did kill of one of the other forums, , then maybe IRC is not a good idea for these boreds :)
My last experience with an IRC channell on a board was great. It was a much larger board, membership wise, so your concerns are probably legitimat. I still have Ircle logs that I open and read occasionally because they were so damn funny. We had about 20 regulars on the channel and others would drift in and out. Most of the regulars were mods and such, and all of the regulars were top thread posters. Just my 2¢...
*against any kind of chat*

We have a perfectly working board to discuss with each other, and like Sf said, if you want a more personal chat you can always use ICQ, MSN or any IM system.