Squiggy has company


you bored gonz?

hopefully americans will know who NOT to choose during the upcoming elections.
although i somehow doubt that...
Shadowfax said:
you bored gonz?

hopefully americans will know who NOT to choose during the upcoming elections.
although i somehow doubt that...

Hey, SF. Where ya been hiding?

Americans vote for whomever has the best commercial on when they leave for the ballot-box. :confused: I thought everybody knew that.
been hiding under water ;)

true, true...and see what it causes. it's a sad world we live in sometimes.
Gato_Solo said:
Americans vote for whomever has the best commercial on when they leave for the ballot-box. :confused: I thought everybody knew that.
Amazing how few of the candidates figure that one out, huh?
Commies all, huh Mr. McCarthy? :p
The late Cuban guerrilla leader Che Guevara went even further, stating that in these impoverished nations democracies are simply facades established by imperialist powers to placate the masses, when in reality "third-world" governments, burdened with debt and dependent upon wealthier nations for basic necessities, frequently have to implement policies that appease their imperialist masters even if it means the suffering of their own people.
Inever heard this Guevara line before. Couldn't be more accurate. Years went by and this still holds true...
Hmmm...Seems to me that its Dubya, Saddam, and you Gonz, who think killing in great numbers is the besttest most funnest way to handle things.

Squiggy seems perfectly harmless to me...:D
Squiggy said:
Hmmm...Seems to me that its Dubya, Saddam, and you Gonz, who think killing in great numbers is the besttest most funnest way to handle things.

Squiggy seems perfectly harmless to me...:D

Not the best, or the most fun, but definitely the quickest. Anybody who says different is not thinking clearly. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Not the best, or the most fun, but definitely the quickest. Anybody who says different is not thinking clearly. ;)

I can't remember who said it now, but one of my favorite quotes is:

Anyone who says violence never solved anything does not understand history.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism, but under the name of Liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until one day America will be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened."
-- Norman Thomas, 1936 presidential candidate on the Socialist ticket

"Liberalism is not a Political Philosophy.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder."
- Michael Savage

Gato_Solo said:
Americans vote for whomever has the best commercial on when they leave for the ballot-box...

When you go to the ballot box this November, will you choose the man who believes we shouldn't prejudge admitted 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden before he is tried and convicted in a court of law to preserve, protect, and defend your country from terrorism?'

You can bet Al-Qaida would love to see President Bush lose the '04 election.

Q: How many Liberals does it take to change a light bulb?
A: It's irrelevant; they still don't know they're in the dark!
And what the fuck does any of that have to do with this thread? Or are you just showing us how stupid fascists can be?
I seem to recall once or twice where you found some way to slam Bush, even though it had nothing to do with the thread. So is it perfectly OK for you to veer off-topic when it suits you, but taboo for someone to veer off-topic to say something you don't like?
Ink, you forever pick jokes that are placed in other threads and complain about them because you're too anal to understand them. Does his post appear to be a joke? I don't care if he posts it. I just posted my thoughts on his post. :shrug:
Just because I don't laugh at a "joke" you post doesn't mean I'm too stupid or "anal" to get it. I understand very clearly everything you post. I just happen to think a lot of it is bullshit laced with logical fallacies. But I get it.
I bet Squiggs has phoned the cable company requesting that the only channel he wants to receive is AL CNNJAZEERA

..Because the rest of them damn stations is just ryin' to brainwash him.
gosh, i don't remember today being pick on squiggy day.

I've really gotta get a new calendar.

*doesn't see the point, really*