Stanley UPDATE

One of my cats will get in the bathtub and lick water up though. I love to turn on the water while they're in there. Just don't do it while you're naked, I'll never let that mistake happen again, huh uh.
Q said:
Did I mumble?? I just said I keep the lid down.:banghead:

I had a dog that could open the trash-can...what makes you think a simple lid would stop a determined toilet-lapper. :D

BTW...don't bang your head. You'll leave marks. ;)
They aren't determined toilet lappers because they don't know what's in there :D

The trash can is perched up on a step stool, however.
They have water. The big guy has his own bowl and the little ones share one in a different room. They are not allowed to drink out of Big Snuggy's bowl...and they know it.