Star Trek X: Nemesis

Do you plan on seeing Star Trek X: Nemesis in a theater?

  • YES!!

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • No. I'm just pathetic. :p

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Spot said:

have any of the trek movies gotten a decent review???
No, I don't read movie reviews because the reviewers usually don't know jack shit what they're saying. At least from my opinion, I found myself disagreeing with them 85% of the time.
I sometimes do, sometimes don't. I can usually tell whether I will by what they praise or criticize about the movie. For example, if they call it naive and simple-minded, that means it has moral clarity; if they say it's saccharine, that means it ends well; and if they say it's avant-garde, that means it's incomprehensible and the 'hero' dies at the end. :p
Jerrek said:
No, I don't read movie reviews because the reviewers usually don't know jack shit what they're saying. At least from my opinion, I found myself disagreeing with them 85% of the time.

i used to think like that. now i'm more inclined to listen to the reviews. i find they are right about 85% of the time.
Ardsgaine said:
I doubt I'll be able to avoid it. Janimal is a total Trekkie. I never would've gotten to appreciate ST:NG if it weren't for her. Encounter at Farpoint sucked so bad I would never have watched another episode, but she stuck with it and eventually the series improved. :eh:

Yeah, Encounter at Farpoint pretty well sucked. I've been rewatching some of the earlier episodes and really, the first and second seasons were not nearly as strong as some of the later seasons.

It was all made up for by "I Borg" - the best single TV episode I've ever seen for any series (IMHO).
Well, I saw it tonight... Apart from the guy/gal ratio of 20/1, and the weirdos (klingons), I thought it was a good movie. For Star Trek. I think you will need to appreciate Star Trek to enjoy this. At least, I found it relied a bit too much on earlier stories. The story line was good, graphics were awesome, and I kind of liked it. Probably not the best, but it was better than Insurrection and a number of others.

I'd give it a 7/10.
Jerrek said:
but it was better than Insurrection and a number of others.
wow! i completely forgot about insurrection and i used to be a big trekkie. i wish i could forget about generations.
Brent Spiner thinks he's getting too old to play Data, but I say his aging is a perfect opportunity for Data to introduce another aspect of humanity into his character.
Well since I've seen everything else and co-webmaster a trek site I'll get lynched if I don't. :D

No I'm NOT a trekkie! I have never dressed up as a Klingon or gone to a convention, but many of my friends have.
fury said:
Brent Spiner thinks he's getting too old to play Data, but I say his aging is a perfect opportunity for Data to introduce another aspect of humanity into his character.

Makeup and lots of it :D
I really enjoyed it

I was disappointed because I had somehow got the impression (I thought I saw it on a commerical) that Jean Luc had sex in the movie. He does not. :(
Didn't see it on video either. It finally came out on the Movie channel. Wow. How'd they manage to slip such a pathetic plotline past .... anyone???

I mean, there are freaking changlings now, and a clone (yeah, there's new tech for ya .....not) is supposed to impress anyone? I'm not suprised Brent wanted Data killed off, if this is the future of the Startrek legacy. I just thank Gawd that there won't be any Voyeur movies, since they're all happily home.

Kinda wonder how Janeway made admiral before Johnnyboy. But then, I'm still trying to work out how the "flagship" of the fleet is captained by a meer captain instead of an admiral to start with.
The DVD is selling for less than 4USD over here and still, no one is buying it.

I don't even plan to download it.
The kids will probably love it. It's right at that level. And, of course, they probably haven't seen the "replace the cap'n, noone will notice" story more than a few hundred times.
They've never watched an episode in their lives.

I managed to avoid it being in my life...till now. :(