Start Praying - Hell has been discovered...


Well-Known Member MrBishop.

Hell is... spending 2 hours in a car, in slow-mo traffic, with a noisy, teething 15 month child :crying4:strapped in the back, and no place to stop to calm him down.

I HATE traffic....traffic with a 100decibel child 3 feet behind your head IS Hell on Earth!:evilcool:
MrBishop said: MrBishop.

Hell is... spending 2 hours in a car, in slow-mo traffic, with a noisy, teething 15 month child :crying4:strapped in the back, and no place to stop to calm him down.

I HATE traffic....traffic with a 100decibel child 3 feet behind your head IS Hell on Earth!:evilcool:
dude, i feel your pain. truly.
MrBishop said: MrBishop.

Hell is... spending 2 hours in a car, in slow-mo traffic, with a noisy, teething 15 month child :crying4:strapped in the back, and no place to stop to calm him down.

I HATE traffic....traffic with a 100decibel child 3 feet behind your head IS Hell on Earth!:evilcool:
I thought hell was windows XP? Though that must have been an infinitesimally close second.
WinXP is NOT hell but I shall kill all those who think it is so they can find REAL hell! WinXP r0x0rs (as far as windows goes that is...)
Nixy said:
WinXP is NOT hell but I shall kill all those who think it is so they can find REAL hell! WinXP r0x0rs (as far as windows goes that is...)
Windows XP blows as far as my gaming needs go :p
Squiggy said:
Cmon Bish...Just be thankful that the diaper wasn't full...:sick:


There's something about my son turning purple and screaching at th e top of his lungs that just compresses his little belly to bursting camacity. It's almost funny to hear "The mother of all farts" in the midst of a screech, until teh smell hits ya. Luckily, I have electric windows....all going downwards and the A/C going off :)

You should've seen him when I was finally able to pull over... purple, sweaty, tears running down his face, snot down his nose, his shoes off, one sock off, and stiff as a board.

Little bugger bit me too!

Gotta love him.... 20 to life is a long time.
hell has been so many places now it isnt funny. its an amusment park. its New Jersey. and according to Primus its the DMV
MrBishop said:

There's something about my son turning purple and screaching at th e top of his lungs that just compresses his little belly to bursting camacity. It's almost funny to hear "The mother of all farts" in the midst of a screech, until teh smell hits ya. Luckily, I have electric windows....all going downwards and the A/C going off :)

You should've seen him when I was finally able to pull over... purple, sweaty, tears running down his face, snot down his nose, his shoes off, one sock off, and stiff as a board.

Little bugger bit me too!

Gotta love him.... 20 to life is a long time.

That sounds about right. Although the worst part for me has been the 3 years of sleepless nights.
freako104 said:
hell has been so many places now it isnt funny. its an amusment park. its New Jersey. and according to Primus its the DMV

Hell is an amusement park? Who came up with that one?

OK...hmmm.... MrBishop has rediscovered umh...Walmart.

Walmart is 2 hours in bumper to bumper traffic...
AnomalousEntity said:
That sounds about right. Although the worst part for me has been the 3 years of sleepless nights.

3 years....don't say that to a new father!! Ye Gods, man! I'm dying after 16 months of sleepless night s :p

MrBishop said:
Hell is an amusement park? Who came up with that one?

OK...hmmm.... MrBishop has rediscovered umh...Walmart.

Walmart is 2 hours in bumper to bumper traffic...

im not sure what state but somewhere theres an amusment park called hell.
MrBishop said: MrBishop.

Hell is... spending 2 hours in a car, in slow-mo traffic, with a noisy, teething 15 month child :crying4:strapped in the back, and no place to stop to calm him down.

I HATE traffic....traffic with a 100decibel child 3 feet behind your head IS Hell on Earth!:evilcool:

It doesn't even beging to scratch the surface of how truly bad things can get but not for nothing that is a excruciating ordeal to venture through.
Hell is any shop... any time of any day.
Shopping is a friggin nightmare... hate it.

Bishop... I sympathize with you... I've been through exactly the same on an aircraft... and to top it all off I was throwing up too. Longest 4 hours of my life. :retard3:
Whaddayamean... I live here... hell is 20 years of broken nights as regular as clockwork, hell is banging your head on the wall to relieve the pain in your stomach because nothing else works... don't suffer from acute cholecystitis or chronic gall bladder problems is all I can say... after that screaming kids are just a mild annoyance... :)
steweygrrrr said:
Is that how long he's gonna live in the house of Bish?

Hell no! He'll live under my roof so long as he's in school. Quit school...find a job and leave. Get a degree, and I'll hold onto him until he does get a career, then he can move out.