Well, if Iraq HAD wmds, in particular nukes, do you think we'd be going to war like this? There is no new evidence, because there IS no evidence. He may be working on it, and indeed it seems reasonable to assume that he is, but I don't think we would be going about it this way if we thought he actually had them and intended to use them. Because he WOULD use them, on our troops, and on Israel! We are trying to take him out BEFORE he gets them, thats what they aren't saying, and thats why there is no evidence. I guess either way you can make an argument for it, but still... I guess is sound more justified this way.
But anyway, it seems like there is no way out of it now.
btw, I guess I'm not against it so much anymore, I'm more indifferent. There is a case even without evidence, it just doesn't seem 'fair' if there is such a thing.