State of the Union address

Oh, you mean this part?
By a 2-to-1 ratio, speech watchers polled by CNN-USA Today-Gallup and ABC News said Bush made a convincing case about the need to take military action.
No, I meant the part I bolded. This is what Sqiggy and seem to be getting ignored on.

The majority of Americans do not support war with Iraq unless we have UN support.
More than 6 in 10 of the overall population supported military action

fewer than half, 46 percent, support it if the United Nations is opposed.

There seems to be a flaw in the reporting. The first one doesn't say a thing about the UN. That is what got us going down this road, I don't care if the UN supports the removal or not. The people polled, when given a direct question "Do you support a war in Iraq, removing saddam" are overwhelmingly saying yes. If you ask "Do you support the war removing saddam, which means it'll interupt the SuperBowl & you may not get laid for a month: then, of course, the numbers change.
Exactly, you're asking two different questions there. They can't be compared side by side or say that one is better than the other. It's giving people entirely different circumstances.
Gonz said:
I don't care if the UN supports the removal or not.

Sure, but the important bit is that a large portion of the population do. Trying to gloss over this isn't going to change it.

Fact is, if we want the majority of Americans behind the war then we need to get UN support.
Gonz said:
I ended up loathing Clinton & still watched his adresses. State of the Union is important.

dont get me wrong i do care where the country goes and all but i dont give a shit to hear a politician.

Squiggy said:
Its an over rated theatrics production with little to no substance. Kind of like a pep rally....

thats pretty much how i feel thanks squig for putting it into words :)

flavio the Americans dont really seem to care whether or not were backed by the UN as gonz said 60% want him out of office. they just dont want war. there are other ways to get the public on your side. maybe Bush can play the media to his advantage. but not everyone will want support him.
no, i think that the us public are in general following the line the uk public are.

do you think saddam is a bad man? yes
do you think that if he is shown to be bad enough we should use military force? yes
should we do it with a un mandate? yes
without a un mandate? umm, err, perhaps

as pt pointed out the questions are different and cannot be equitably compared. support of the un is important to how the war with saddam hussein is percieved by the public. with it we can easily claim to be working for a common good, through international law etc. without it it looks like warmongering.

its the whole reason that tony blair has been stalking europes leaders drumming up support. when the second resolution comes [as it surely will come down to] the vote needs to be as secure as possible even if the evidence isn't.
you do have some valid points mine was that most dont like Sadam thats about it but you and pt are correct in that the questions arent the same or are differently worded both which will generate different emotions and such. this will be impossible to be able to make any valid answers or stats. but in general my point was that we dont like Sadam. and want him out at any cost. however these same people dont really want a war.