State of the Union address

But you stated that 'Most Americans favored...with or without UN support"... More Right wing smoke? :D
ABC was concerned and so are U.S. citizens.

flavio said:
A majority do support war, with or without the UN.

"The speech had no immediate effect on opinions of the general population, according to the ABC News poll, which conducted an overall poll of the population while checking the speech viewers.
More than six in 10 of the overall population supported military action against Iraq after the speech; fewer than half, 46 percent, support it if the United Nations is opposed. "

I was trying to remember which news I was listening to when I heard the numbers..But yours are close enough, flav....:wink2:
even if dubya were to present evidence of iraqi wmd i don't know if i would trust the authenticity (yes, i do believe we've been to the moon). given spy photos and a computer i could make it look like i was making wmd in my backyard.
he seems hellbent on going to war, what his true motivations or aspirations are i don't know, but i wouldn't put it past him to manufacture evidence if it suited him.
Me either. He indicated his propensity for war when he campaigned...And just days after taking office, he ordered an airstrike on Iraqi targets
tommyj27 said:
even if dubya were to present evidence of iraqi wmd i don't know if i would trust the authenticity (yes, i do believe we've been to the moon).

I don't ;) (the second part)
Squiggy said:
But you stated that 'Most Americans favored...with or without UN support"... More Right wing smoke?

No, I wrote poorly & didn't convey my message properly. What should have been written was "Most Americans aren't opposed to war against Iraq, whether with or without the UN". My point is, it would be better to have the support but it's not necessary.

Polls can be construed to fit any category. What I was looking for was one that did not give an option for additional support. This has polls going both ways. Many different agencies & idiosyncratic questioning.
But actually most Americans would NOT support the war without UN support. Thats what the polls are indicating...
Squiggy said:
But actually most Americans would NOT support the war without UN support. Thats what the polls are indicating...

Yes, I believe that is a very important distinction.
Nothing has changed. Look at the numbers. Over 60% of Americans favor removing saddam. The UN raises those numbers but it's not the deciding factor.
Kind of like ..Do you prefer throwing out stale bread?....but not adding ..If you're starving to death and its all you have....More smoke...

Adding "without UN support" significantly lowers those numbers...You forgot to mention that...
The deciding factor of whether the majority of Americans support war with Iraq IS UN support. Without it only ~40% Americans will be behind the move.

If we present a good case to the UN and get their financial and troop support then we have a different story.
flavio, go to the link posted above.

ABC News
"Would you favor or oppose having U.S. forces take military action against Iraq to force Saddam Hussein from power?"
Favor Oppose No
% % %
1/28/03 63 32 5
1/27/03 61 36 3
1/16-20/03 57 41 3
12/02 62 35 3
11/02 64 29 7
9/23-26/02 61 34 5
9/12-14/02 68 29 3
8/29/02 56 34 10
8/7-11/02 69 22 9
3/02 72 24 4
1/02 71 24 4
12/01 72 24 5
11/01 78 17 6

CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Latest: Jan. 23-25, 2003. N=1,000 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"Would you favor or oppose invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in an attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power?"

Favor Oppose No
% % %
1/23-25/03 52 43 5
1/10-12/03 56 38 6
1/3-5/03 56 39 5
12/19-22/02 53 38 9
12/16-17/02 58 35 7
12/9-10/02 55 39 6
11/22-24/02 58 37 5
11/8-10/02 59 35 6
10/21-22/02 54 40 6
10/14-17/02 56 37 7
10/3-6/02 53 40 7
9/02 57 38 5

Time/CNN Poll conducted by Harris Interactive. Latest: Jan. 15-16, 2003. N=1,010 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.

"Do you think the U.S. should or should not use military action involving ground troops to attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq?"

Should Should
Not Not
% % %
1/03 60 33 7
12/02 55 37 8
11/02 57 33 10

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Latest: Jan. 14-15, 2003. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3

"Do you support or oppose U.S. military action to disarm Iraq and remove Iraqi President Saddam Hussein?"
Support Oppose Not
% % %
1/03 67 25 8
12/02 65 23 12
11/02 68 18 14

CBS News Poll. Latest: Jan. 4-6, 2003. N=902 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (total sample).


"Do you approve or disapprove of the United States taking military action against Iraq to try to remove Saddam Hussein from power?"

Approve Disap-
prove Don't
% % %
ALL 64 30 6
Republicans 80 16 4
Democrats 46 48 6
Independents 66 28 6
11/02 70 23 7
10/27-31/02 64 25 11
10/3-5/02 67 27 5
9/22-23/02 68 26 6
9/2-5/02 68 24
Gonz, go to the link below:

"The speech had no immediate effect on opinions of the general population, according to the ABC News poll, which conducted an overall poll of the population while checking the speech viewers.
More than six in 10 of the overall population supported military action against Iraq after the speech; fewer than half, 46 percent, support it if the United Nations is opposed. "
