State of the Union

I missed most all of it.
I had to see my show..."Supernatural"
I watching them tell me what he Really meant they always do.
I'll read the address later. :nerd:
cuz with the possible exception of the
'guest worker program' I agree with every darned
thing he said in the State of the Union address!

I especially enjoyed the threats against Iran.

So young man, what do you have to say about that?
All I have to say is that I couldn't love a politician for any reason.

I agree with most of what the president said tonight, but his profession doesn't lend much hope to the idea that what was said is the same as what will be.
Winky said:
cuz with the possible exception of the
'guest worker program' I agree with every darned
thing he said in the State of the Union address!
The immigrant issue was all I was really interested in, and I didn't figure I'd
like what he had to say there anyway.
The rest of the stuff, I think, he, and the admin, are keeping us abreast of pretty well.
Well the Dem’s sour faces their behavior and their display
at one point regarding the President's comment
about the failure the to 'reform social security and Medicare'.

Priceless, it is my hope that they will continue
to be out of power for the rest of my LIFE!
Trau said:
but his profession doesn't lend much hope to the idea that what was said is the same as what will be.

He does have a pretty decent track record on following thru.

Full text assuming CBS didn't, or doesn't doctor it up with Ratherisms.

I missed much of it due to work obligations (GM union shops don't allow time to watch Republican Presidential speeches) The local AM station carried it live. I also picked some up on the NPR station. The commentator on NPR actually had the balls to interject political responses during applause breaks. Funniest goddman thing I've ever heard.

This, my friends, is why I actually have some faith in this feller
The only way to protect our people … the only way to secure the peace … the only way to control our destiny is by our leadership – so the United States of America will continue to lead.

You'd never hear a Carter or a Clinton have the cajones to say that.
Winky said:
Well the Dem’s sour faces their behavior and their display
at one point regarding the President's comment
about the failure the to 'reform social security and Medicare'.

I thought that was funny seeing as they have pretty much offered nothing as an alternative other than just screaming and whining.
If they offered an alternative they might get called on it. They don't want you quoting things they screws up the polling numbers.
"We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it."

That for me was one of the best parts.

Yes Gonz, I couldn't take the crap that came before and
after the speech but it was more than made up for By the

Even the camera work (ABC) was designed to attempt to hide
the behavior of the Liberal side. When they remained seated
to show disagreement with tax cuts was shown and was So fine!

Acually Trau, pissin' and moaning is an alternative.
Lately it has been funny to watch the left try to either
'move to the center' or outright lie in regards to their
'message'. If they came right out like the Right does
(well most of the time, exception being taking U.S. to war in Iraq)
they'd be voted out of office by their own side!
I never watch such speeches. All they contain are nothing more than than glossy football coach pep talk speeches with little substance, method, or truth. It is nothing more than a cinematic sleeping pill.
If I'd had watch it I would have missed a brand new Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe and a girl does have to get her priorities straight.
Winky said:
Then you actually missed watching
'an exception to the rule'.
I seriously doubt it. All the speeches do is amount to 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' feelgood bs without one iota of methodology.

'Reel in foregin oil dependence' ... geez... every prez since Ike has been spouting that line and nothing has ever been done about it.

'stay in the war' ... every prez says this... 'cept for Carter. So what? It's nothing concrete. It's nothing new.

Did he reveal his magic plan as to how massive spending and corruptive largess that makes the Taminy Hall days look like a church social equal a reduction of the national debt?

Did he tell the UN to fuck off once and for all? Doubt it.
Same old, same old. I did like the talk about alternative energies, especially the nuke plants, but that's all been said before. And the line item veto.

I'd say I agreed with 35-40 percent of what W had to say, pretty typical.
unclehobart said:
Did he reveal his magic plan as to how massive spending and corruptive largess that makes the Taminy Hall days look like a church social equal a reduction of the national debt?

Did he tell the UN to fuck off once and for all?

Actually No he did not.

Because I'm certain there are no plans what so ever to do either of those things!
alternative energies, and border control.....
I see them doing enough to make it look like they are trying, but
I'll believe it when I see it, that they do what needs to be done, to make the real difference.