

Well-Known Member
I do belive, that for a were able to hit the statistics link and see things like
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What happened to that? Not supported by the new versions or is it just that it's too much of a pain in the ass to make it work?
Fury only comes in for emergency repairs, now that he's trying to get a life. Hence, many things that could cause emercencies were turned off to protect the innocent. Besides, it saves bandwidth by stopping nosy people from poking into things that don't matter.
Maybe he decided that the rules of the English language, which dictate the first letter of a sentence be capitalized, come first. ^_^
Frankly, I don't give a Flying Fuck about his Capital F rule. Never have done. It's at the Front of a sentence, so it get capped. IF he doesn't like it, Fuck 'im.
hehe bish tis the way of OTC. But we are looking to upgrade to the final version of vB, so maybe it could be put back. Im looking into what is out there that wont put a strain on the speed.