Stehpen King The Dark Tower


New Member
Anyone read this 7 book series (or any of them)?

Im about 1/2 way through "The gunslinger" right now and I cant put it down.

No I haven't. Good huh? It's funny, I really like some of his stuff, and some kind of creeps me out. :shrug:
These books are unlike anything else you've read by him. He could have easily used a pseudonym and gotten away with it with these.
The only other books I have read from him were under the pen name "Richard Bachman"

It was a 2 book series about a demon named "tak" The first one was Desperation and the second one was The Regulators.

They sold with matching covers if you put them together it made one large scene.

Id also like to read The Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption, and of course the Stand.
Read up to number 4, I loved them, it only gets better after the gunslinger, and remember it's all one book, it's a real life epic.

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed
AnomalousEntity said:
the Stand.

his best by far.

"different seasons" (novella, 4 stories) and "night shift" (short stories) were my other 2 favorites of his.

i've read just about all his books. missed a few since "tommyknockers".
Read all of them, anxiously awaiting the next installment. (always assuming the authors continued life & interested readers of course)
I've read every King book to date... every non-fiction, every Bachman.. all of em..

I love The Regulators and Desperation.. my favorite short story collection so far is Skeleton Crew, read Danse Macabre if you wanna know a little of King's opinion on horror.. and if you wanna learn how to be a great writer read On Writing..

Every book King has ever written is great, can't wait for the next addition to the Dark Tower series in November...
PuterTutor said:
Anyone read Gerald's Game?

So no comments there? I gave that book to my wife to read, she looked at me with a suspicous look for months afterwards. :shrug:
PuterTutor said:
So no comments there? I gave that book to my wife to read, she looked at me with a suspicous look for months afterwards. :shrug:

I'll go back and reread it... been a few years and I can't remember anything that's more than an hour into the past :lol2:

Edit-- I remembered it right after I posted... :lol2: It is the reason I do not allow myself to be handcuffed by a woman during sex.. never..ever... you never know what might happen..
Kevin76 said:
... :lol2: It is the reason I do not allow myself to be handcuffed by a woman during sex.. never..ever... you never know what might happen..
Sounds eerily fascinating.... :eek3: I may have to go out and get that one.
PuterTutor said:
So no comments there? I gave that book to my wife to read, she looked at me with a suspicous look for months afterwards. :shrug:

Yeah..I've read it. I still believe it to be one of his best works. A truly psychological terror. They could make a play out of it and it'd sell well

Another piece from King that I love, but no one ever talks about is "The Long Walk"
It was short story which I think is part of the Four Past Midnight series.

Definatly worth the read. OTC feels like that story sometimes.

I've only read the first few books of the gunslinger series. I kinda fell behind when I fell on hard times. Hav't walked into a book store in a while either, except for the last Robert Jordan book.
PuterTutor said:
Anyone read Gerald's Game?

Ok fine, I'll answer.

Yes. It was a most disturbing book. The big question is, put in the same situation, how many could pull off what she did? (being vague for those who haven't read it). Not I said the Gonz.
MrBishop said:
Yeah..I've read it. I still believe it to be one of his best works. A truly psychological terror. They could make a play out of it and it'd sell well

Another piece from King that I love, but no one ever talks about is "The Long Walk"
It was short story which I think is part of the Four Past Midnight series.

Definatly worth the read. OTC feels like that story sometimes.

Gerald was easly the one that really made you think. The rest of his books tend to deal with an unknown force. This book could really happen.

The Long Walk is easly one of my favorites as well. Another story that doesn't deal with supernatural forces, just the evil that lurks inside.

You guys do know that he has announced that as soon as the Dark Tower series is complete, he's putting down the pen, right?
Everythings Eventual, a newer collection of short stories came out last year. Another that I would recommend highly, but probably not a good idea for bedtime stories.