Step one...frock 'em

MrBishop said:
It's "no man shall lay with another man as he would a woman"

This one's nice too

Damn...can't even be greedy, can't fornicate, so much for Canadian Idol... oh, and can't have sex with anyone who has sinned either...because then you become sinnfull too.

thats only if you believe ;) otherwise you got nothin to worry about
People who are
Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers

don't worry about much anyway...
CB said:
its a little weird that they all "copied" the commandments

Using the assumption they all do (there is a God)...that is very resonable. God said "....." and they listened. :shrug:

Prof said:
Why is a woman a member of a church that she knows doesn't accept gays? And how could she possibly claim to preach their gospel when she knows she doesn't believe it herself?

Hence the title. First get inisde, then start a movemment, then garner power, then increase the movement....
unclehobart said:
Hard to say. Without it becoming the media darling of the week with all of the investigative dirt mining ... theres no telling who does what, where, when, why. Religions are quite a secretive bunch. I think its more of a matter of having a religion that has limited contact with the kids. Witches and crystal worshipping yoga types probably have almost no case of child molestation because they don't have summer camps, orphanages, daycare, preschool...bla bla. If its all out in the open then theres ill opportunity to commit such crime.

When I said "down and dirty" I was mearly refering to sex... meaning I wanted to know which religions allowed their preachers/priests/reverends to marry...

As "good ol'" Catholicism requires its paid up members to be celebate... its hardly surprising... some perversity is more prevalent.
Gonz said:
Using the assumption they all do (there is a God)...that is very resonable. God said "....." and they listened. :shrug:

But, for example, Catholicism claims to have the "one true God"... Catholicism being the "one true religion"...

If it were the same God for all religions why allow one religion to claim superiority over another?
most of those religions say the other gods arent the same. very few religions say that god is the same for all religions
ClaireBear said:
But, for example, Catholicism claims to have the "one true God"... Catholicism being the "one true religion"...

If it were the same God for all religions why allow one religion to claim superiority over another?

Dogma & power.

That and the fact that all other christian churches can trace their heritage back to Catholicism.
freako104 said:
Chic: I thought all the canonised stories and such happened in the Middle Ages not during Roman Empire?

It was re-interpreted more than once, but the actual arrangement and what gospels to include and what to leave out (you knew that more were left out than included?) was originally set down at the beginning of the "real" roman catholic chuch under Constantine's rule. The original KJV lopped a few more books out. Give King James credit though, he translated from the greek rather than the latin version because he understood that the latin version had been corrupted by Constantine et. al. (greek version too, IMO, but he was trying). Hence Greek Orthodox vs. Roman Catholic.
Leviticus 18:22

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

1Timothy 2:12

But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness.

That sums it up pretty clearly to me. You sleep with someone of the same sex, God is going to bring wrath down upon you. Woman are not allowed to teach. Plan and simple.

As for the writing of the Bible, Constantinople had jack to do with it. All that moron did was make Christianity the "state" religion, thus the word Catholic (look the word up in the dictionary, you'll be surprised). The Bible is not called the Constantinople Version; it is called the King James Version. It was written because they wanted the word of God to be available to everyone, not just those who could read and speak Latin or Greek.

Am I the only one who reads this thing? The Bible is based not on what any Roman Emperor wrote, but on what the prophets wrote. God inspired the prophets in their writing of the various books.
Gonz said:
Dogma & power.

That and the fact that all other christian churches can trace their heritage back to Catholicism.

Yeah... but they can't claim superiority over Islam, Hinduism, Sihkism... yet these religions also have the same common sense "commandments" all be it to different levels of severity.

Yet if there is a God the Catholic God is the only one... yet the muslim, hindu and sihk's God is mighty similar in their teachings...
ClaireBear said:
Yeah... but they can't claim superiority over Islam, Hinduism, Sihkism... yet these religions also have the same common sense "commandments" all be it to different levels of severity.

Yet if there is a God the Catholic God is the only one... yet the muslim, hindu and sihk's God is mighty similar in their teachings...

The Muslim, Jewish and Christian God is the same. They all trace the beginning of their religion to Abraham.
chcr said:
The Muslim, Jewish and Christian God is the same. They all trace the beginning of their religion to Abraham.

In fact, the Koran spells that out specifically. Problem is...getting the fanatics to understand that part. ;)
PostCode said:
Am I the only one who reads this thing?

Probably... :shrug:

Church roles in Blighty have fallen to an all time low with the average punter being in thier 60's...

I think the electrical "-ism" activity in the brain is now being satisfied by other Gods... alcohol, narcotics, shopping, gambling, eating, TV, sex... the list of "other things to do with your Sunday/Friday/Saturday... is endless.