Major contributor!
Professur said:Except, of course, the one of the guys that wrote it in the first place.

Professur said:Except, of course, the one of the guys that wrote it in the first place.
PostCode said:Leviticus 18:22
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
1Timothy 2:12
But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness.
That sums it up pretty clearly to me. You sleep with someone of the same sex, God is going to bring wrath down upon you. Woman are not allowed to teach. Plan and simple..
I've read it, PostCode. I drew different conclusions. However, the King James version wasn't written until the 17th century. You can assume that no one put their own ideas into it if you want. You have faith and that's fine for you. If you study the history of the bible (as opposed to the "history" that's written in the bible) you find that the first bible as one collected volume dates to the time of Constantine. It's not called the "Constantinople" version because it's the "original" version. Before that there were various gospels (many of which were not included) and of course the Hebrew bible which parallels the old testament to a certain extent. I don't propose to write a fifty page history lesson or anything, but to me, the historical evidence is clear. You don't have to believe it, you don't have to agree. I don't really care that much about it. I was just using it to point out that there are conflicting points of view. When someone uses the bible to justify something like "women shouldn't teach men," I react badly. From my point of view, the bible was written by men (certainly not women) and is simply a codification of the Abrahamic and Christian myth system.PostCode said:[
As for the writing of the Bible, Constantinople had jack to do with it. All that moron did was make Christianity the "state" religion, thus the word Catholic (look the word up in the dictionary, you'll be surprised). The Bible is not called the Constantinople Version; it is called the King James Version. It was written because they wanted the word of God to be available to everyone, not just those who could read and speak Latin or Greek.
Am I the only one who reads this thing? The Bible is based not on what any Roman Emperor wrote, but on what the prophets wrote. God inspired the prophets in their writing of the various books.
PostCode said:the bible does tell us that woman will not teach men