Step one towards the coming fascism


molṑn labé
Staff member
Silence the critics.
An Oklahoma City police officer wrongly pulled over a man last week and confiscated an anti-President Barack Obama sign the man had on his vehicle.

The officer misinterpreted the sign as threatening, said Capt. Steve McCool, of the Oklahoma City Police Department, and took the sign, which read "Abort Obama, not the unborn."

there is an interesting twist to this however,
''I asked the officer, 'Do you know what abort means?'" Harrison said. "He said, 'Yeah, it means to kill.'

A fascism thread or an abortion thread?

You don't threaten to kill the president :shrug: That's the kind of stuff that'll get you 'dissapeared'
Harrison told the officers that in his opinion the words "Abort Obama" meant to impeach him. He told the officers he does not believe in abortion because he is a Christian.

Then he shouldn't believe in impeaching Obama :D
Step one towards the coming fascism

Step 1,488 (or so) by my count. Of course I started counting before 1/20/09. Welcome to Amerika. Are you paying attention now? What took you so long?

'Sides, I thought you said these guys'd be commies. Try to stick to one story for fifteen minutes, huh?
Step one towards the coming fascism

Where were you when the previous administration was sprinting towards fascism?

By the way Gonz, it's not very logical to take one decision by one isolated cop and call it Step 1 of anything. Various cops have been acting like fascists for ages.
'Sides, I thought you said these guys'd be commies. Try to stick to one story for fifteen minutes, huh?

What's the difference? Both put state over individual.

I don't recall anyone with a Bush is (fill in negative epithet here) getting pulled over & censored.
What's the difference? Both put state over individual.

I don't recall anyone with a Bush is (fill in negative epithet here) getting pulled over & censored.

Oh no? Still your argument holds no water because no anti Bush sticker even hinted killing him. You cannot threaten the president, simple as that! They can impeach him, perhaps prosecute him after an impeachment and removal scenario, but you just don't talk about killing, aborting, fill in the blank. I never liked Bush, and I despise Cheney, but the only recourse was to legally pursue action. That should always be the case.
It is illegal to threaten the president, no matter who he or she is. It's not something to even joke about, PERIOD!

Oh no? Still your argument holds no water because no anti Bush sticker even hinted killing him. You cannot threaten the president, simple as that!

Abort Obama is not a death threat.

It may not be, yet it certainly can be constrewed as such. You have to admit, "Abort Obama" is closer to a threat than "Fuck Bush".

I guess no one here, besides myself, remembers the graphic that Craig Kilborne flashed on "The Late Show with Craig Kilborn" August 4, 1999 showing a picture of George Bush with the words "Snipers Wanted".

To see the graphic, CLICK HERE.

The link is dead now but the content is still available. That is why I post whole articles so they will be available when the page archives.

LOS ANGELES (AP) _ CBS apologized Wednesday for a violent anti-George W. Bush message that flashed briefly on the screen during the "The Late Show with Craig Kilborn" last week. The phrase "Snipers wanted" was shown Friday across footage of Bush accepting his nomination as the Republican presidential candidate at the party"s Philadelphia convention.

"This graphic, which was not accompanied by any remarks from Mr. Kilborn, should not have been included in the telecast and is not consistent with our broadcast standards," CBS said in a statement. The network called the display "an inappropriate and regrettable graphic," adding that it and program producer Worldwide Pants Inc. "deeply regret this incident." The company said it would take appropriate action. (Which was nothing. - j)

A Bush spokesman said the candidate accepted the apology "It"s unfortunate something like that has happened," Bush campaign spokesman Dan Bartlett said from Austin, Texas. "We accept their apology and look forward to seeing the results of their investigation."

Worldwide Pants, David Letterman"s production company, also produces "Late Show with David Letterman," which airs immediately before Kilborn"s daily show. The phrase concerning Bush appeared on the screen during a segment of the show called "In the News," which features photos, video clips and Kilborn"s commentary on current events.

Kilborn took over in March 1999 as host of "The Late Late Show," which debuted in 1995 as a talk show with host Tom Snyder. A message seeking comment from Kilborn was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Copyright ©2000 ABC News Internet Ventures.
Would a bumper sticker stating "Flush Obama" be a threat to drown him?

"Drop Obama" a threat to drop him from an aircraft without a parachute?
And then there's this guy.

Talk host: Death penalty
for Bush
Says president, Rumsfeld guilty of 'war crimes' over Abu Ghraib

Posted: May 27, 2004
1:00 am Eastern

© 2009

A self-described liberal talk-show host known for his disdain of the Bush administration called for the death penalty for the president and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for "war crimes," according to an audiotape.
Mike Webb, who has a late-night show on KIRO radio in Seattle, denied a report last week by Talon News, but the Internet site said yesterday it has a tape that proves the host make the statements on the air.

The prison abuse in Iraq "is a war crime, committed by the president of the United States," Webb declared on his show. "And do you know what the punishment for that is? Death!"
