Still say he's not a socialist


molṑn labé
Staff member
Ask Rick Wagoner. GM (Government Motors?) & Chrysler are't doing enough.

Soon, he'll own your banks & control your money.

If the Government invests money, the government gets some control.

They could have said no to the money.
I like the two words that are floating up into the news as of late in regards GM and Chrystler
"Controlled Bankruptcy"
the only consolation is that the pres. 'asked'.
somewhat, like real loose usage of the word, but...

Wagner said He decided to step down.

If the new budget goes through as is, pretty much, It seems a declaration
of war from the admin against the people imo.
seems they are trying to put more conditions on paying it back though.

The admin Wants them.
the only consolation is that the pres. 'asked'.
somewhat, like real loose usage of the word, but...

Wagner said He decided to step down.

If the new budget goes through as is, pretty much, It seems a declaration
of war from the admin against the people imo.
Yeah...he stepped down, and collected big!
$20Million BIG
Sixty percent of those surveyed... how many were surveyed? What's the margin of error? Where was the survey conducted? I'm willing to bet you'd get a different outcome surveying 1,000 people in Washington, DC than you would surveying 100 people in El Paso, for example.

The article linked to tells us none of these things.
poll finds most americans prefer suvs to hybrids

what poll you ask?

any poll anyone in the country cares to take for themselves by standing on a corner witha clipboard, a pen, and a shet of paper and counting what drives past

Ok, I just counted more hybrids. ;)