Stonehenge's meaning - revealed?


Funny...on that pic, it looks like an aerial shot of a giant sperm breaching an euqally gigantic ova.

Must be God's instruction manual to us :)

:heartred: :angel:

maybe it was just a bunch of welsh cavemen that got bored and decided to haul stones to salisbury?

or a stone-age :D
poor science chappy, he got the bit with religions of the time often having a belief in a mother earth goddess type pretty much right but then appears to have got himself looking for pictures of punani all over the place.

there is some thought that it is about the birth of the sun [as a generally accepted male figure] or his approaching fatherhood.
And this whole time we thought it was a tool to measure the months, days and years according to the celestial beings in the sky...

Of course it has to do with sex...and of course a man thought of that. He must be a scorpio as well...LOL.
Stonehenge is quite beautiful, when you actually stand amongst the stones it's awesome. But I get more of a physical electrical buzz from places like Bryn Celli Dhu (brin kethlie dee) a long barrow grave on Anglsey. Though if you're not sensitive you won't know what I mean. :)
PrincessLissa said:
And this whole time we thought it was a tool to measure the months, days and years according to the celestial beings in the sky...

Of course it has to do with sex...and of course a man thought of that. He must be a scorpio as well...LOL.

stonehenge is not so much a tool for measurement of time, more it is for the acknowledgement and celebration of a particular time of year. the relationship of that time of year with the assigned festival or rite is still somewhat uncertain but neolithic religions of the time appear to have an interest in the cycle of the year and seasons, and attribute identities to those dates.

it's not uncommon, egyptian religion had an interest in equlibrium and as a result they celebrated the equinoxes.
ris said:
stonehenge is not so much a tool for measurement of time, more it is for the acknowledgement and celebration of a particular time of year. the relationship of that time of year with the assigned festival or rite is still somewhat uncertain but neolithic religions of the time appear to have an interest in the cycle of the year and seasons, and attribute identities to those dates.

it's not uncommon, egyptian religion had an interest in equlibrium and as a result they celebrated the equinoxes.
Maybe its just a bunch of stones?

And Em I know what you mean :)
steweygrrrr said:
Maybe its just a bunch of stones?

And Em I know what you mean :)
I'm glad someone does and I'm not a complete nut! But I always feel really alive and energised after visiting some ancient sites - barrow graves and stone circles in particular, but it has to be quiet for me to pick up on it fully.

I supposed to be psychic e.g. I've had some very strange past experiences and I've also told people I've never met before all about themselves or particular situations they were in at the time. I've also seen auras including my own, which happened to be black at the time... someone else confirmed it. I try to tune out as much as possible these days, which is probably why I spend a lot of time alone... it's more peaceful and absorbing other peoples emotions is very tiring anyway.

It just doesn't fit with my idea of order or how things should be, yet strangly enough in some ways it does.
I'm not to sure about the aura's cos Im not sure if I see my own sometimes. Also this is gonna sound freaky but a lot of the time when I'm outside, the whole world seems to shimmer as if viewed through very very very clear water. I also see that around things that have a strong EM output too.

OH and I am impossible to creep up on, when I'm waiting for a person I know exactly when they are gonna enter the room, I can pre-empt some peeps next words, I can look at some people and tell what they want etc.....

Am I freaky?
I think different people are sensitive to different things... the reason I mentioned seeing the auras is because it's unusual for me as I normally work through touch or feel. It's the feeling of the place or person that I pick up on, like an electrical charge. Just touching a piece of stone from an ancient site is enough, I don't have to be there.

Empathic is another word that has been bandied about in my presence. I've also been called a psychic vampire in the past, although it mainly wasn't intentional, as I used to feed on other peoples emotions and leave them feeling drained, before I learnt to close myself off. :shrug:
I do get a bit shivery at things like that.. kinda lectrically but not properly. and theres a question for you in the jumping thread from me
I'm a reiki practitioner. I've always been able to remove headaches just by gently massaging the sore area or just hovering my hands above it

Katie won't let me touch her though, she always freaks out when I try.:)