Well-Known Member
Still reading that site even after finding out who funds it huh?
I don't care who funds it. The point is whether what is being posted there is an accurate dissertation on the subject matter.
He references THIS ARTICLE. Does Drudge also fund ACSH?
The fact is that you don't care who funds a site either. What you care about is whether they are saying what you want to hear. Funding is moot.
If all of us went solely on the basis of who, or what entity, were funding a website then we would have to simply stop caring about facts and judge everything instead by the funding entity. Regardless of the credibility or accuracy of the article the funding entity automatically renders the article inaccurate and incredible.
Can you point out anything in the referenced article which is exagerated, inaccurate, incorrectly referenced, or misquoted? Of course not. You are too busy worrying about the funding entity.