
He overpaid people for the same services that he made a point of loudly prosecuting. He thought public humiliation was a good deterrent.

Let's find out.
First of all why should I spend my time fact checking your blatantly biased sources when I could just say they have "an ax to grind" like you do?

What you fail to realize is that is in no way proof of general bias even if it wasn't based on unsubstantiated claims from a conservative source. It wouldn't even be proof that the media's treatment of Spitzer was more favorable than that of a republican in a similar situation. For example David Vitter's involvement with prostitutes got so little attention he didn't even resign.

The source I used monitors the press and posts their obvious bias. That bias runs against conservatives and Republicans. They post the transcripts of what the press says word for word.

Story after story on how the Liberal media ignore stories on Democrats but stories on Republicans are 24/7 news.

So how do you explain why the Liberal press took up to FOUR DAYS to finally identify Spitzer as a DEMOCRAT???? How do you spin that Spike? Let's hear it from the master debater here as to why the Liberal press would take so long. I'm not only sure they had a good reason but that you have the explaination as to why.

So let's hear it, shall we?

For Second Night, ABC and NBC Refuse to Utter Spitzer's Party ID

Today Spends 4 Hours Ignoring the 'D' Next to Spitzer's Name

CBS's Early Show Makes No Mention of Spitzer Being a Democrat

USA Today Never Labels Spitzer as Dem, But Tags Craig and Vitter

ABC Finally IDs Spitzer as Democrat, NBC Fails to for Third Night

Today Show Continues Embargo on Spitzer Party Affiliation

NBC Nightly News Finally Calls Spitzer 'Democratic Governor'

Study: No (D) for Spitzer, Vitter and Craig Always Tagged as GOP

And then there is that little thing about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his relationship with Barack Obama.

Instead of Wright, NBC Touts Childhood Pals: 'Good Luck Barry!'

Study: Broadcast Networks Fell Down on Covering Jeremiah Wright

As they say "Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996"

Perhaps you have a site that monitors Conservative news and programs as well? C'mon, Spike, give it up. We all already know what it is; but why don't you tell us.
Vitter campaigned with a promise of "protecting the sanctity of marriage." :laugh:

Yep, and when he came to the attention of the press, they had absolutely no problem using the words "Republican Congressman David Vitter".

Why do they have such a hard time saying "Democratic Governor Elliot Spitzer"?
So how do you explain why the Liberal press took up to FOUR DAYS to finally identify Spitzer as a DEMOCRAT?

When I first heard the story it was either on CNN or MSNBC and he was identified as a Democrat right away.

Got any idea why Spitzer got so much more attention than Vitter by the Conservative press?

Also, do you need to do the trolling thing in every post? Really, just calm down already.
When I first heard the story it was either on CNN or MSNBC and he was identified as a Democrat right away.

Well good for them.

Got any idea why Spitzer got so much more attention than Vitter by the Conservative press?

I remember the Conservative press vilifying Vitter for his deeds. The Republicans got in touch with their Democrat side and "forgave" him but only because they knew that if he resigned the governor of Louisiana would appoint a Democrat to replace him. The Democrats, however, were calling for his resignation.

Also, do you need to do the trolling thing in every post? Really, just calm down already.

That's my avatar. Get used to it. I have to put up with that ugly fuckin' monkey of yours.