straight out of a Hitchcock movie


New Member
I feel like I'm living in a Hitchcock nightmare!

My boyfriend and I came home Saturday after spending the night in a hotel. Well, there were dead roaches EVERYWHERE!! :eek:

We eventually found out that our nephew and cousin were watching DVDs in our house, and our neph threw a book at the screen door because he saw a roach crawling on the outside of the door. The screen door fell with a crash and in flies 30-some-odd roaches from the tree outside! :eek:

Well, you can imagine the killing spree that occured. 30 HUGE roaches flying around (the length of my finger perhaps). Thanks to our neph and cousin, most of the roaches were killed. We've had to kill an occasional one or two each night since. :eek:

I phreakin' hate roaches. They're scary ... especially in flight. :(
I had one of them Alfred Hitchcock roaches in my house last night .. you could hear it walking on the wall! :eek:

It took me and Paka a good half hour to kill it ... *shudder* ... I hate those damned things
Oh yes there are. :D

roach (n)
The end of a joint (marijuana cigarette); the part that you can't really smoke easily because it's too small to grip.
:eek: did you spray or something? no bad idea pregnant. the gel seemed to work when we needed it.

:eek: those things procreate! :eek:
Originally posted by L. Summerton
:eek: did you spray or something? no bad idea pregnant. the gel seemed to work when we needed it.

:eek: those things procreate! :eek:

No spray ... my boyfriend is being Commando and is attacking with a rolled up copy of National Geographic. :gun2: