Strange freezes


Well-Known Member
So, I'm working with my compi...only two windows open (Here and there). I get a weird freeze in my system. Slowdown, speedup, slowdown freeze. I reboot...suddenly XP can't find my HD and tries to boot to CD.

I shut'er down...wait a bit...restart and no problems.

Might it be a heating issue? Perhaps something else?
Professur said:
How full is it? I can loan you my dual layer dvd burner to get the backups done in a hurry.
and in a lot fewer discs.

how much do you get DL DVDs for prof?
Professur said:
How full is it? I can loan you my dual layer dvd burner to get the backups done in a hurry.
18.2 out of 20
I still have my 40GB as a secondary HD with 22GB free ATM.

Though any help is appreciated and I still want to buy you that beer.
tommyj27 said:
and in a lot fewer discs.

how much do you get DL DVDs for prof?

Not sure, haven't bought any yet. I needed a burner at work for DVDs and this was on the liquidation table for $60 (lite-on) so I grabbed it. DVDs are about a buck a piece.
i pay < $ .50 for the standard single-layer, i don't know that i've seen DL discs for any less than $4 a piece, they seem to lurk in the $4-8 range. :(