Strangest place you ever woke up after getting smashed.

I knew someone who woke up in a kid's playhouse/lawn toy type building in WalMart. Evidently he was hidden well enough that nobody noticed him. He has no idea how he got there. The party was a good 10 miles away, and his car was still at the party house.
I've woken up on the floor having fallen asleep in the top bunk of a bunk bed before. That was pretty weird. :retard:
and then you realized you were still asleep and the woke up again :p
no.. no... I really did that. Of course it was a planned trip all along wherein I flew over as sober as a church mouse and proceeded to get pissed down at the Hofbrauhaus. I do remember making it back to the hotel and barely getting on top of the bed fully dressed. I woke up in the cold, cold shower with alcohol poisoning and vomit plastered in my hair. I lost that entire day... unable to move ... looking fairly green at the gills. I will spare you further greusome details.
once, I woke up on the field of my high school ... the morning after Homecoming Bonfire ... and another time, the strangest ever, I woke up .. alone ... :eek:
i've woken up in my car after a heavy night out, i've passed out in the parking spaces outside a church after drinking tequila.

a friend of mine passed out at a student party [he was a tutor] and they shaved off his eyebrows. not a cheerful chappy when he awoke...
perhaps i should add that when i woke up in my car it was parked outside my house at the time. i'd forgotten my house key but taken my car keys so ended up sleeping in the front seat of a fiat uno.
surprised my stepfather by ringing the doorbell at 7am wanting to be let in, i got cold in there :D
it won't ever happen again .. and I plan on getting smashed - knee knocking smashed - right after finals ... if I wake up alone, ku'u can stone me to death .. or something to that effect :D