
Here's one to keep you up at night. Right now, the astronuts up there know that 2 pieces of insulation broke off the external tank during launch. There was also a bird strike, but that's neither her nor there. How would you feel about NASA engineers right about now?

Here's another. They're inspecting the shuttle right now, for any "dings" (their word, not mine). How would you feel (as an astronut onboard) should they find major damage (or any damage, for that matter). Could you just go on with the mission?

How about if you found damage on a mission that didn't (as this one does) include a trip to the ISS? Could you just carry on, knowing that makeshift repairs are all that's gonna see you to the ground?
Professur said:
Here's one to keep you up at night. Right now, the astronuts up there know that 2 pieces of insulation broke off the external tank during launch. There was also a bird strike, but that's neither her nor there. How would you feel about NASA engineers right about now?

That's a tad worrisome.

Here's another. They're inspecting the shuttle right now, for any "dings" (their word, not mine). How would you feel (as an astronut onboard) should they find major damage (or any damage, for that matter). Could you just go on with the mission?

Doesn't bother me. This camera scan was planned, and will be standard procedure for all shuttle launches for the near future. They also have a rescue mission sitting ont he pad in cas they find something untoward. It's sort of the ultimate in redundanrt safety systems.

How about if you found damage on a mission that didn't (as this one does) include a trip to the ISS? Could you just carry on, knowing that makeshift repairs are all that's gonna see you to the ground?

That won't be all there is. See above.
Um, there's no rescue mission sitting on the pad, HL. At best, Atlantis could fly in a month. At best.
Well, then, CNN lied to me when they said that the cost of keeping such an animal on stand-by was crippling to the shuttle program and would have to be scrapped soon.
They twisted the news a bit. It's not ready to fly. But they've pulled people off the Endevour to work on it, so that it could be ready to fly in a month. That's shoving back the Endevour preparations.

CNN said:
As a last resort, a second shuttle will stand by in case a rescue mission is needed. Astronauts could evacuate to the safety of the international space station if the shuttle is damaged. This "safe haven" option is far down the list of options to rescue a crew. (Emergency scenarios)

"It's something you don't want to do, but in a survival sense, it's executable," said Bill Gerstemaier, program manager for the international space station.

The space station is designed for three to six crew members, but NASA estimates that a shuttle crew could live on the station for up to 45 days before exhausting food, water and life-support. That may give enough time for NASA to prepare a second shuttle, Atlantis in this case, for launch.


Was it a commentator that said there was one on the pad?
Aw gee if every American would pay a 1% increase
of their taxes and the money was given to NASA
we'd be living in Star Trek next week!

What is 1% of our current 1.7 trillion dollar federal budget?
Winky said:
its all just a house of cards
a ponzi scheme

all based on the American taxpayer’s willingness
and ability to PAY and PAY!
Just so long as the hold on the interest rates doesn't slip...that house of cards might just stand for a few more years...

Ponzi??! That's an old reference...havn't heard nayone mention that name in years!
MrBishop said:
Just so long as the hold on the interest rates doesn't slip...that house of cards might just stand for a few more years...

Ponzi??! That's an old reference...havn't heard nayone mention that name in years!

MrBishop said:
Just so long as the hold on the interest rates doesn't slip...that house of cards might just stand for a few more years...

Ponzi??! That's an old reference...havn't heard nayone mention that name in years!

MrBishop said:
Just so long as the hold on the interest rates doesn't slip...that house of cards might just stand for a few more years...

Ponzi??! That's an old reference...havn't heard nayone mention that name in years!

There now we are even???

Nah this game can run indefinitely.
And why wouldn't it? Tis the greatest game in town!
Winky said:
NASA Grounds Future Shuttle Flights Over Foam Debris

There it is. No rescue mission. No more scheduled launches. Two and a half years, and millions of dollars wasted. Way to go NASA.
Winky said:
There now we are even???

Nah this game can run indefinitely.
And why wouldn't it? Tis the greatest game in town!
Winkster...why'd ya delete your posts? It was gettin' topic, of course, but interesting. :)