Students file complaint against CU gun ban‏

They didn't attack the shooter, did they?

Why would they run up and attack the one who is currently shooting? Since you are not currently shooting, someone could very well attack you if they believe they have the advantage. The advantage being that you aren't shooting at them, and your nearness to them.

Is it about dying in the fetal positon under a table?

I would have expounded more on my last statement, but I had to pick up and drop off a couple people. Had to leave in a rush.

Besides, I don't know how trying to ridicule someone is going to help defend your side of the debate.

Using your own gun and trying to take out the shooter yourself isn't the only way to "man up". And if that's the last valid reason you can come up with to support your side, it makes you sound like a person who thinks guns are the only solution.

I have considered the possibility of how I would go about defusing this scenario if I had my own gun. And maybe I would act as you would. But you should also consider how you could react to the situation without resorting to your gun. Your gun shouldn't be your go-to solution.

I agree with Bish here in that you could do a lot more good trying to get the other people out of harm's way as fast as possible. Helping others to get to safety doesn't make you less of a man.
Using your own gun and trying to take out the shooter yourself isn't the only way to "man up"... Helping others to get to safety doesn't make you less of a man.

hey we can't all be john wayne or clint eastwood. it's best for the rest of us to step aside while the real heroes of our society take care of the bad guys. :lol2:
If you go to the Real World and look at the thread title for this thread is page 2 appearing before page 1 for anyone else? Weird.
Actually it's pretty evident to anyone capable of elemetary reading comprehension that you can't hide behind someone while staying away from them and that you seem incapable of making rational statements.

my goodness. for an intelectual quasi-demigod such as your enlightened self, i never dreamed this would be such a difficult concept to grasp

scene: numerous unnamed gunfearing chickenshits curled up at a coffee shoppe, deftly sipping lattes. suddenly, from stage left (where all trouble comes...the left) in bursts a non-race identified non-specific person of ill intent with a [queer from will and grace voice]great big mean old nasty GUN![/queer voice]

our collected fearful chickenshits have, of course, no viable means of staying alive. offering to tell the gunman that its all going to be ok, just have some chamomille and listen to this enya cd isnt likely to be very effective right now. a quick scan of the immediate area confirms that obama isnt there to protect them either

and then, another patron pulls out a hogsleg and takes a stance to confront the non-specified assailant

human nature being what it is, it would be expected for the fearful chickenshits to scamper behind the man with balls as this would seem to be the safest place for them

i ask that you stand on your vaunted principles and run away from him. then when the nonspecified assailant is suitably subdued, begin telling the man that just possibly kept you from becoming cream of wheat that hes a terrible person

seems pretty simple to me. after all, you do it every day you draw breath, dont you?


you sure?

so i take it you now support our military?

thought so

as every post you make ends
i ask that you stand on your vaunted principles and run away from him.

then when the nonspecified assailant is suitably subdued, begin telling the man that just possibly kept you from becoming cream of wheat that hes a terrible person

So you've made up some cowboy fantasy where you save you favorite coffee shop from the bad guy and you're suggesting you would like anyone not carrying a gun to run away from the our cowboy hero instead of standing behind him.

That's freakin' briliant. Don't see it being a problem. It's your dream, make it work. Still not sure why you want any non gun-carrying people to tell him he's a terrible person from a distance in your fantasy but perhaps that's just all part of the dream.

seems pretty simple to me. after all, you do it every day you draw breath, dont you?


you sure?

No, and yes I'm sure.

so i take it you now support our military?

Always have. Don't support the person in charge at the moment but the people have fixed that.

as every post you make ends

Actually you've been using more of those than me. Seems like you're projecting again.
with all the tough talk in this thread, i think maybe i'll be spending the rest of the weekend watching charles bronson movies. maybe then i will grow some balls and become a real macho guy who obliterates the bad guys without even needing to take my dick out of my hand.


Self explanatory. The elderly and children are the most easily victimized people on the planet. At least the elderly can defend themselves.

Uhh, bartender, bring me another Pabst Blue Ribbon.

And some nuts too. I thought I heard someone say they didn't have any nuts.

But if you got no nuts, pretzels are good. :bgtup:
I'd be done in a month.
I wouldn't drink um either, but if one was going to kill ones self...