It's not a question of destroying it, it's a question of altering it. The way I see it, we improve on nature when we make it more inhabitable for humans. The way an environmentalist sees it, every alteration we make in nature is destruction.
I'm not saying that every alternation of nature is wrong. I'm saying that man must prevent to alter nature so much that it leads to the destruction of it.
Of course man will destroy some of the things which are available, but that's not the problem. The problem is that mankind is using the natural resources so agressively at the moment, that it
will lead to it's own destruction
in the long term!
I am not exaggerating when I say that either. I was listening to an environmentalist on National Public Radio one day, and he told the host that the only real way to solve our environmental problems would be for humans to stop having children for 100 yrs.
I totally disagree which such rediculous points of view too. Problem with true environmentalists is that they tend to lose grip on reality. We've got to look at what
can and
can't be done to prevent too much destruction of nature.
Think about that for a moment. The problem is man, the very existence of man, and the only way to solve it is to get rid of man. This attitude isn't unique to him, it's
Of course the problem is mankind, sure! But that's the price we pay for our existence. And there's nothing wrong with that. Mankind wants to survive, and we have the ability to do so. The question is: how do we use the resources available in such a way to assure that mankind can survive for the longest period as possible.
Getting rid of man isn't an option, 'cause mankind wants to survive.
All I'm saying, don't put mankind before nature,
or nature in front of mankind!. Try to find a way where you can combine the two. I know, easily said, but hard to do.
The environmentalist values pristine nature above all else. Pristine means untouched by man. The only place in their value system for man is as a primitive creature who lives like the other animals. Man as a reasoning creature who shapes his environment is a blight on nature, in their scheme of things. If that doesn't put nature ahead of man, what does it do?
Once again, I disagree with the point of view of the environmentalist. Like I said above, mankind must find a way to use the natural resources in such a way to assure it's own existence.
We're not destroying the earth, we're making it more inhabitable for man. Far more people are able to live far longer now than were able to when the earth was an environmentalist's paradise.
Of course we are making the earth more inhabitable for mankind. That's what we've been doing for centuries. But the current use of natural resources
will damage nature in the long term in such a way, that it makes living a lot harder for mankind. The exhaust of such great amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere will cause a significant warming of the Earth, that it make alternations necessary to prevent large floods and other effects like that.
I'm saying that the environmentalists' claims about these things are pure bunk. The Big Lie is that environmentalism is based on science. It's no more based on science than Creationism. It is essentially the same: religion masquerading as science.
That's a point we totally agree on then
I'm too selfish to want my children, or great-great-grandchildren, to grow up as savages, digging grubs out of the ground with a stick. I'm too selfish to want my children to grow up in a state dominated by people who think that man is a blight on the earth. I'm too selfish to consider the selfless sacrifice of man to nature a virtue. I'm too selfish to want to see the devastation that environmentalism would wreak upon the human race if it ever gained political dominance.
Like I said before, I don't agree on the view of the environmentalists. But I
am convinced that we
must find a way to reduce the damage we are inflicting to nature to assure our own existence
in the long term!
If the environmentalists ever took control of a country their ideology would drive them to commit atrocities that would make Hitler and Stalin blush. If you can kill millions by preaching that some men must be sacrificed for others, how many could you kill by preaching that all men must be sacrificed for nature? How many people would die in their attempt to create a world of pristine nature?
I too hope that the environmentalist never get that much political influence so that they can (try) to achieve their ideals. I think their intepretation is one that belongs in a dream world, and doesn't have any change of succeeding in Real Life.
What you hate is your interpretation of my attitude, because what you've caricatured there isn't my attitude. You seem to think that I haven't thought through the issues, and that I don't care about the future. I can assure you that both are false.
Good to hear you too
do care about the future. And I never had the idea that you hadn't thought about these things, otherwise you wouldn't have put such an effort in you replies, trying to explain your point of view.
I guess our ideas of what must be done to prevent too much damage to nature
in the long term is different...