Stupid Terrorists


Well-Known Member
Christian terrorist attempts car-bombing in Iowa and gets charged with 2nd-degree arson. Last week, as you may (or may not), have heard, David Robert McMenemy attempted to destroy an abortion clinic in Davenport, IA by dousing his car in gasoline and driving it through the wall of the Edgerton Women’s Health Center.

edit - It’s been brought to my attention that Mr. McMenemy drove through the front doors and not a wall. It has also been claimed by a nearby resident that the gasoline was added after crashing through the doors, although this article disputes that.

Fortunately, no one was hurt because he reconsidered lighting himself on fire for God at the last moment. And laughably, the clinic he attempted to destroy does not even perform abortions.

Schadenfreude aside, this is a terrorist act. He should be tried as a terrorist. (Perhaps we should torture him in a secret prison in case he has friends who are also planning other actions. That is our policy now, right?) Second-degree arson is ridiculous. We lock foreigners (and sometimes Americans) up indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay for the slightest possible connections to Islamic terrorism. Yet, this Christian terrorist is charged with a minor felony? Absurd!

Class C felonies, which 2nd degree arson is in Iowa, are punishable by imprisonment of not more than 10 years and a fine between $1000 and $10,000 under Iowa law. He is getting off easy just because he believes in the right make-believe super hero.

For now, you may also believe in the “correct” deity, and find yourself safe from persecution for those beliefs. But consider what happens if public opinion turns or you have a change of heart, and you find yourself in the future’s minority? As a former President said yesterday, “Democracy is about way more than majority rule. Democracy is about minority rights, individual rights, restraints on power.” Lately, we’ve had far too many failures when it comes to living up to those words.

UPDATE David McMenemy’s case has been moved to federal court. He now faces a charge of “committing arson against a business affecting interstate commerce” which carries a prison term of between five and 20 years and a fine.
he believes in the right make-believe super hero

Bring it to us without a built-in editorial & the story can be discussed on its merits. This kind of bias makes me question the facts.

Free Detroit Press link
Based on what he told police, David McMenemy's plan to destroy an abortion clinic worked out much differently in his head from what played out Monday in Davenport, Iowa.

McMenemy, 45, most recently of Rochester Hills admitted dousing the interior of his silver 2004 Saturn with gasoline he had in a Gatorade bottle and plunging the vehicle into a women's health clinic early that morning. And he told police he planned to die in the ensuing fire.

But the clinic whose lobby the native Detroiter drove into -- the Edgerton Women's Health Center -- doesn't perform abortions or even provide referrals for them. And the impact wasn't enough to cause a fire, so McMenemy had to pour more gas on the car.

And once it was ablaze, he scratched his plan to kill himself when he realized it was going to be painful.
No one was injured.

It all left local and federal police wondering whether McMenemy is a calculating criminal who spent weeks scouting the Midwest for abortion clinics to destroy, or nothing more than a suicidal, unemployed amateur criminal.

"Is he just a fruitcake, or is he better connected?" asked Scott County Prosecutor William Davis. "We don't know. We're hoping to get better information on him."

McMenemy is charged with one count of second-degree arson after the fire caused an estimated $200,000 in damage to the building's lobby. He received a court-appointed attorney Wednesday and is scheduled for an arraignment Oct. 5. He is being held without bond.

Iowa authorities and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Davenport asked the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to assist in the investigation, though an FBI spokesman said that agency was unlikely to get involved.

According to a probable cause affidavit, McMenemy told police that he drove into the center because he thought it was an abortion clinic. Edgerton president Tom Fedje said that it provides parenting and health services to low-income women and families, but not abortions.

He added that there is a Planned Parenthood that performs abortions in nearby Bettendorf, Iowa.
"Did he go to the wrong site? That's what we're all wondering," Fedje asked. "I have no idea if he got a list of agencies. He simply jumped to the conclusion that we do abortions."

Davis said investigators are checking credit card receipts and other information to determine whether McMenemy might have had contact with others targeting abortion clinics. McMenemy, who is under a suicide watch, is also expected to have a psychiatric evaluation.

A woman who answered the phone at a former residence of McMenemy in Sterling Heights declined to give her name but identified herself as his niece. She said he is a former Marine who has been unemployed for some time, and that his family believed he was depressed.

McMenemy has spent no time in Michigan prisons, according to state Department of Corrections records.
Kathi Di Nicola, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of Iowa, said the organization was aware of Monday's incident.

McMenemy's court-appointed attorney, David Morrison, did not return a call seeking comment. Davis said the decision to hold McMenemy without bond is very unusual in Scott County.

"We think he might be a danger to the community if he's let out," Davis said.
Very interesting. The link you posted says the following in the header...

The Allen Almanac
“To Bigotry No Sanction, To Persecution No Assistance”

The goes on to bigotry and persecution when dealing with religion.
Have any of the WND facts ben proven incorrect?

Terrorism is intended to kill or maim a multitude of victims & coerce the local population or gov't into a set of actions.

This fool doesn't quite measure up though I don't think many people would balk at the charge.
Sometimes, yes they do. When the facts from a WND story prove to be incorrect, I'll quit using them. So far, they've been right on the money. I try to avoid editorializing sections when I paste sectiosn of their stories.
Sometimes, yes they do. When the facts from a WND story prove to be incorrect, I'll quit using them. So far, they've been right on the money. I try to avoid editorializing sections when I paste sectiosn of their stories.

Most times they do and if your going to post stuff from a clearly over-the-top biased source like that then you really can't complain.

Damn, I just looked and the top headline there right now is....

Court upholds Nazi-era ban on homeschooling

C'mon now, obviously not editorialized.
Depends on the story.

Which I just went & read. Didn't get past the first paragraph.

A new ruling from the European Human Rights Court has affirmed the German nation's Nazi-era ban on homeschooling, concluding that society has an significant interest in preventing the development of dissent through "separate philosophical convictions."

Maybe you ought to read the story?

Upon further review...isn't preventing the development of dissent through "separate philosophical convictions" naziism, in & of itself?
Depends on the story.

Which I just went & read. Didn't get past the first paragraph.

Maybe you ought to read the story?

Upon further review...isn't preventing the development of dissent through "separate philosophical convictions" naziism, in & of itself?

Whether you or I agree with it doesn't hide the bias.

Professur, take a look at the site yourself and see how long it takes you to notice a bit of bias.
Professur, take a look at the site yourself and see how long it takes you to notice a bit of bias.

Spike, you may have missed it, although i don't see how, but I'm a cynic. i assume bias and self-interest in everything, without exception. Unlimitted stupidity from everyone.
The bills, AB 606 and AB 1056, were part of a trio pushed forward by homosexual activists in the state's lawmaking body this year,...

The CRI said AB 606 would have required the State Board of Education to increase sensitivity to so-called "discrimination." Under the plan the state Superintendent of Public Instruction would have had unlimited discretion to withhold state funds from schools that did not comply with that individual's interpretation of the law.

The other, AB 1056, would have "integrated tolerance training" into history and social science curriculum and started a pilot program that would have forced students to learn a "new definition" of tolerance, one that would require them to not only accept but advocate for homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism, the CRI said.

looks like sexual indoctrination to me.

Yes, WND is a newssite with a conservative bent. They provide facts & some stories do contain bias towards traditional American values. They have yet to be proven WRONG-assuming the facts were correct from the source.

MoveOn is not a news site. It is an opinion site. If it were a news site & had the record of WND, the facts of the piece would not be particulary questioned. However, Mr Bishop provided a questionable original source. I asked for it to be verified witha standard news source. He did. 'Nuff said.
MoveOn is not a news site. It is an opinion site. If it were a news site & had the record of WND, the facts of the piece would not be particulary questioned. However, Mr Bishop provided a questionable original source. I asked for it to be verified witha standard news source. He did. 'Nuff said.

WND is just as much an opinion site as maybe more. Just because you happen to agree with non-existant sexual indoctrination doesn't mean it's not totally opinion.

Anything from WND should be verified with a reputable newsource.
It's pretty amazing. The left pisses & moans about our intelligence organizations intercepting international telephone calls from terrorists but they are willing to create a nanny state complete with the thought police (tolerance training...sounds awfully Orwellian)