Sudan - Next target?

Professur said:
Until a local rises up and deals with it.
Local's are dead... anyone with enough military might to try and fight would only be taking over and putting their own regime in place. In the meanwhile... the
local GVT is looking thataway ---->
whilst the killing is going on <------thisaway
So what, besides bitching here that is, are you doing to lobby our government to act more intensely, Mr. Bishop?
Leslie said:
So what, besides bitching here that is, are you doing to lobby our government to act more intensely, Mr. Bishop?

More importantly, what the hell do you think anyone can do about it until the population is ready to deal with it themselves?
Professur said:
More importantly, what the hell do you think anyone can do about it until the population is ready to deal with it themselves?
Same kinda thing that happened in Nazi Germany... put a stop to it. If the population is in no position to deal with it themselves what're we supposed to do? Are you suggesting that we just let it happen?

Leslie - I signed the petition.
We ARE the mass murderers:

Top U.S. General: 15,000 Insurgents Killed or Caught
Wed Jan 26,11:49 AM ET

By Gideon Long

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. and Iraqi forces have killed or captured 15,000 people over the past year in their fight against an insurgency ravaging Iraq (news - web sites), the commander of U.S. forces in the country said Wednesday.
MrBishop said:
Same kinda thing that happened in Nazi Germany... put a stop to it. If the population is in no position to deal with it themselves what're we supposed to do? Are you suggesting that we just let it happen?

Leslie - I signed the petition.
You might remember that where Nazi germany was concerned, there were people fighting. And there were people who stood aside and let others fight for them. Take a good long look at who's who today.
Professur said:
You might remember that where Nazi germany was concerned, there were people fighting. And there were people who stood aside and let others fight for them. Take a good long look at who's who today.
The locals are fighting...just not effectivly enough.

The UN Advance Mission in Sudan (UNAMIS) said today that several security incidents were reported last week in Darfur, including an attack by an armed group on an Arab convoy and clashes involving Government forces and armed tribesmen.
Not sure where you're going with your missive. Unless you're stating that the Jews let others fight for them? Nah...can't be....

umh...the USA waiting to join the war until it was well underway? Nah..that can't be it either.

Today is the 60th anniversary of the freeing of the inmates at Auschwitz by the Russian Army. The first concentration camp to fall and perhaps the most infamous. One of about 13 such camps responsible for the methodical extermination of over 6,000,000 Jews.
ResearchMonkey said:
Ah well see, probleeem solved. The UN will handle it.

So what your point then if the UN will eventually get there and save who ever is left. :shrug:
That, not unlike Rwanda, we've got plenty of time to argue things out but those involved don't have such a luxury.

That this is precisely the reason for military intervention. Early better than later.
So what are you trying to say?

THe UN claims to be the end-all best humanitarian troup out there. Who should be doing what and when?

....and on what grounds under whos authority?
AlladinSane said:
Please enlighten me then. Why Iraq deserves special attention from US and not Sudan? And why is Sudan out of the free world?

We are busy saving the free world at the moment.
and the rest of your militaries are going unused (with exceptions)