

New Member
This is just a stupid suggestion about the boards, that you'll probably think really unnecessary, fury, but...

You know there's that 'watch this topic' option. Well...I think a better way to do it would be if you had little tick boxes on the left of each topic on the list of topics. So you could click it if you wanted to 'flag' a particular topic. That way you could easily see which topics you're waiting for replies on.

sort of half-way there: you can easily see which topics you've posted too as they have black dots. but then you post to everything so.... ;)
<sense of humour failure>

Er...this is all really hilarious and everything but has anyone actually got an answer?

</sense of humour failure>
my bad, scanty, the dots were an old feature that i suspect went with the switch to phpbb.

:D :D :p :p


chairfall.gif, 5.00kb
