Summer Gardens

MrBishop said:
You lost me a while back Unc...a covenant? IS that like a Condo agreement? You living on church property or sumthin?
We've got the same here....some are legitimate, some are just odd. Houses must be outside a certian distance apart (to prevent postage-stamp-like building) and must be of at least a certain square footage. Stuff like that. Ours also requires fireplaces to be completely brick top to bottom on the outside. Haven't quite figured that one out yet. It made for some WTFing when building (our chimney is viewable by our dog, and not much else).

I don't think ours has restrictions on plants though. Most stipulations are quite lax.
MrBishop said:
You lost me a while back Unc...a covenant? IS that like a Condo agreement? You living on church property or sumthin?

yeah,'s like a condo agreement...but it's for the neighborhood...i guess they feel that they need to protect their real estate value by having fine upstanding neighbors who don't piss on the lawn etc....but they take it a bit far :shrug:
but the good side of it is that you neighborhood ends up being kinda pretty, you know?...except it needs some veggie patches....;)
it's been a busy day! we had a bare spot in the front yard and we filled it. :D

*bandwidth preserved - Leslie*
and then the marigolds. the others pics in this post are on the back deck.

*bandwidth preserved - Leslie*
Looks nice, tonksy! :cool:

It finally rained here. We are having our daily afternoon thunderstorms, and they are dropping enough rain to almost catch up to the annual average. The corn turned out OK, the peanuts took off running, they look good (but not as good as last year), the cotton is still scrawny, but it's too early to tell how the yield will turn out.

In the last two weeks I have installed a new walkway in the garden with white river pebbles and round white concrete stepping stones with monkey grass borders, and built two new flowerbeds and filled them with wishbone flowers (torenia), blue daze, white Indian hawthorne, eleagnea (sp?) and Mexican heather.

Out in front of the house was a big sandy bare spot where nothing would grow because it's always too dry and sunny, I filled it with blue rug juniper.

No more holes to dig, whew. :lloyd:

Warning to armadillos: You had better not let me catch you digging in my garden. :mad: