Sun Shoots Monster Flare at Earth!

tonks said:
giving credit where credit is due...i guess....i meant 8 minutes each time. i apologize for any confusion...

I don't know wether to laugh or cry. Laugh with relief that it wasn't all within 8 minutes, or cry that you think that 8 minutes each is better.

This may be a stupid question, but is it possible for the solar flares to affect the Internet? It seems awfully slow tonight. I'm on a T1 connection at the office, and it usually flies. Tonight it's taking forever for a site to come up.
Not the fibre lines, but the copper, for damn sure. But you're so far south, you shouldn't be affected, unless you're routing through NY or TO for some reason.
As I feared, it wasn't visible down here... even on a crystal clear night. Not enough elevation... and having my back to a brightly lit city of 3.5 million population doesn't help either.
Got this picture from the Astronomy Picture of the Day:

The were actually all the way south of me. Normally, I only get them to about 30 degrees north, but last night they projected to al least 70 degrees south. Awesome. At one point there was so much red, it looked like the sky was blushing.
Professur said:
The were actually all the way south of me. Normally, I only get them to about 30 degrees north, but last night they projected to al least 70 degrees south. Awesome. At one point there was so much red, it looked like the sky was blushing.

Lucky bastard...went out last night at 1am and didn't see a damnable thing.
The paper this morning had a picture of them in Northwest Kansas. Large and green. Last night I drove north of the city for about an hour and a half until the sky was pitch black, but still saw nothing.
And even if it misses us... it will probably melt the earth, a particle of sun flying even near us would start a ginormo heat wave :(