Superbowl's Coming! ...

Grrr... I have to work during the super bowl.

I stupidly agreed with that toolbag friend who smoked in my car to work his 3-8 on sunday because he wanted my 10-3. I was like "whatev" but now I realize that it is the Super Bowl. Whatev, my team lost in the second round, and my new team lost in the first round, and my parents' team lost in the third round, so I'll be fine. Store will be dead, probably get paid to hang out and watch TV anyway.

But to make up for it, I'm gonna see if I can make some bad decisions on Saturday night, so I can at least be like "well I had five more hours to sleep it off"
Well damn, Toaster Boy, you'll have 500TVs & no customers. Sounds like a plan.
I'm sure there is someone there that you could place in the vicinity of the wall of TVs with a remote ,unbeknownst to them you have the actual remote .Just when the play is getting fevered ,switch channels and have the customers beat the crap outta the unsuspecting rube. :evilgrin:
Who's playing? AHEM...


The buzz here in Chicago is unbelieveable, it wasn't even this frenzied during the MJ title years. I've already got my Super Bowl party set, and it will definitely be raucous. Open bar and buffet during the whole game and what should be a huge celebration afterwards, it can't get any better than that! The only bad thing is the partying's gonna have to be all indoors, it's probably gonna be below 0F outside here by the time the game's over.
I just upgraded my cable TV service to HD... I should see about watching the game at home instead of elsewhere. :D
I'm not watching the game...just keeping an eye on the score at the end of each quarter (I'm in a football pool)
I thought the half time show was suppose to be something that people REALLY wanted to watched? Hell, I flicked on the game to check the score and turned it OFF as soon as I saw prince...
And the commercials were really nothing to write home about. :(

I only saw 2 that were cute and caught my attention: the Budweiser one with the puppy and the Blockbuster one with the rabbit trying to operate the mouse. LOL
Blockbuster & the Careerbuilder spots were entertaining. I liked the Toyota Tunda spots-very effective.
That was quick for the commericals...

The advertisers probably couldn't upload them fast enough, there is nothing better than knowing people are gonna be seeking out your ads and it isn't going to be anymore cash outta your pocket.