Gato_Solo said:
Another swipe at religion. You do seem like a broken record on this...
my reference to "dogma" was not an intentional religious reference, subtle or not.
in any case, it's only STUPID religion that i don't like. and it's STUPID, irrational, religion that's in play here. SMART religion understands that domains of faith and science are wholly separate i.e. you can't PROVE or DISPROVE "god" like you can prove that lance bass is gay. it's a matter of faith.
I had no problem with the RELIGIOUS aspects of passover dinner a couple months ago, becuase the people there were not superstitious twits trying to advance some ancient bullshit morality at the expense of our collective economic futures. I have no problems going to an occasional catholic mass to humor my partner's parents because it ain't over the top, shove it down yer throat, er, dogma. it is kinda boring though.
and it's perfectly reasonable for me to make fun of or discuss dismissively matters of STUPID RELIGION as it relates to moral politics in this country, given the discussion that's been made by others here that's anti-gay, anti-immigrant or minority, anti-arab, anti-tolerance, whatever.
you (or winky perhaps) can blame fags and beaners for the decrapitude that surrounds us - i blame STUPID RELIGION - which is distinct from OTHER, NON_STUPID RELIGION.
as a sidelight....
at this point i really don't care to argue sources. it's obvious enough to me that there's a lot of hubbub about non-adult stem cells. if adult stems cells were so much better, no one would give a fuck about non-adult stem cells. so fuck it.