That article proves my point. If morality were absolute rather than subjective, then there would be no need to teach right from wrong. Everyone would be born knowing it. See, you continually misunderstand what I'm saying. Do I think ours are better? Of course I do, just like you do. If you (or anyone else) had been raised in a society with different moral values, you would hold those rather than the ones you hold now.Winky said:
I don't think so. When will you stop whining about the left?Gonz said:Does that mean the left will quit whining about the right, since we are very secure in our beliefs & about our persons.
So then, you do believe in god?Winky said:Help me out here cheeky.
Do you guys really not know that right and wrong exist
that indeed there is a final Cosmic arbiter, an order to things as it were,
and that moral values are based on that premise
for the good of society and the individual.
Or do you know and spend your lives trying to deny it???
Inquirying right wing minds Gotta know?
Translation: Never.Gonz said:as soon as they realize they're dead wrong about everything.
Winky said:No cheeky that IS the beauty of true atheism.
I thought you were one as well,
not merely attempting to use it as a dodge for recognizing reality exists.
C'Mon yer middle-aged like me we've seen too much not to have realized that this whole does have some order behind it.
Attributing it to some grandfatherly super natural being
is what the primitives had to resort too with their absolute lack of science.
We are not operating under that handicap.
So what's it gonna be are you with me or agin me?
Lemme ask you a related one then. Do you believe there is life after death?Main Entry: athe·ism
Pronunciation: 'A-thE-"i-z&m
Function: noun
2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is no deity
Perhaps you could try to explain how I'm even supposed to take that seriously?Winky said:Yes he will punish you
even though he doesn’t exist
True in physics. In philosophy, not so much.Winky said:every action has an opposite and equal reaction
60's TV commercial.Winky said:its not nice to try too fool mother nature
...but Greg's wheel will leave me alone? (BTW, you know she's a scientologist, right?)Winky said:run over by the wheel of Dharma
Then I completely fail to understand how I'll be punished.Winky said:and no I don't
when yer ded yer ded
2minkey said:in my opinion, when religious doctrine outweighs what appears to be rational, pragmatic choice, yeah, then i have a problem with it. for instance, when parents deny medical treatment to their kids because of some kooky beliefs, then yeah, i would call that "stupid religion."
Actually, I fully understand how you see the world. You make it up as you go along.Winky said:You won't be punished after death
it'll git cha while yer still here on earth.
Even an atheist liberal can't escape reality.
I am really beginning to understand how you folks
are truly unable to grasp how I and millions of other
people in this country see the world.
Strange thing is we aren't afflicted with the same deficit.
We know where you're coming from and in most cases
couldn't care less than we already do...
Funny thing is I've never gotten any of you to admit
the true nature of your position. The thing that truly
interests me is whether you'd admit it to yourselves?
For example you will concede that it works in physics
then why doesn’t it apply to morality? Hmmm?
I can almost guarantee what your response will be to that.
You are clearly confused about what this means. Sorry that you're not an atheist when you hang so much importance on sayng you are. Thanks for playing. See ya.Atheism is not a religion, it's a close personal relationship with reality.
2minkey said:in my opinion, when religious doctrine outweighs what appears to be rational, pragmatic choice, yeah, then i have a problem with it. for instance, when parents deny medical treatment to their kids because of some kooky beliefs, then yeah, i would call that "stupid religion."
2minkey said:are you qualified to make your own personal judgements on things? yes? hmmm... then so's everyone else. or maybe you should be the arbiter of... everything? and then, again, whomever appears to have a different point of view is a hypocrite? sounds great. sign me right the fuck up.