Swastika'd 7yr old gets taken by Child Protection


Well-Known Member
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Child welfare officials seized two children after a seven-year-old girl went to school with a swastika and other white supremacist markings on her body, the Winnipeg Free Press newspaper reported on Monday.

Provincial officials want to permanently remove the girl and her two-year-old brother from their home because of concerns about their father, alleged to be a neo-Nazi, and because of drug and alcohol use in the home, the paper said.
"The children may be at risk due to the parents' behavior and associates. The parents might endanger the emotional well-being of the children," the Child and Family Services agency said, according to court documents.

The paper said the parents plan to fight the move, but had not yet filed court documents.

Fine I'll start.

Ma & Pa Kettle must now be okayed by the state. Gotta love the direction we're going (the west).

Cheap Trick-kinda said:
The thought police, they live inside of my head.
The thought police, they come to me in my bed.
The thought police, theyre coming to arrest me, oh no.

You know that talk is cheap, and those rumors aint nice.
And when I fall asleep I dont think Ill survive the night, the night.

cause theyre waiting for me.
Theyre looking for me.
Evry single night theyre driving me insane.
Those men inside my brain.

The thought police, they live inside of my head.
(live inside of my head.)
The thought police, they come to me in my bed.
(come to me in my bed.)
The thought police, theyre coming to arrest me, oh no.

Well, I cant tell lies, cause theyre listening to me.
And when I fall asleep, bet theyre spying on me tonight, tonight.

cause theyre waiting for me.
Theyre looking for me.
Evry single night theyre driving me insane.
Those men inside my brain.

I try to sleep, theyre wide awake, they wont leave me alone.
They dont get paid to take vacations, or let me alone.
They spy on me, I try to hide, they wont let me alone.
They persecute me, theyre the judge and jury all in one.

cause theyre waiting for me.
Theyre looking for me.
Evry single night theyre driving me insane.
Those men inside my brain.

The thought police, they live inside of my head.
The thought police, they come to me in my bed.
The thought police, theyre coming to arrest me.
What does this have to do with the thought police? These aren't thoughts. These are actions, dumb ones. You wanna be a white supremist? Whatev....but sending your child to school with their symbols all over your child's body is going to warranted a reaction.
The beliefs were not the reason, at least not the sole reason, that the children were removed.
What does this have to do with the thought police? These aren't thoughts. These are actions, dumb ones. You wanna be a white supremist? Whatev....but sending your child to school with their symbols all over your child's body is going to warranted a reaction.
The beliefs were not the reason, at least not the sole reason, that the children were removed.
Shh... He has a pet cause to whine about. Facts are unimportant.
The parents have every right to raise their lil nazi any way they wish. Whether you, I or the government controlled education system agrees or not. Nothing was illegal.

The parents might endanger the emotional well-being of the children

edit...being Canakistan, it may well be illegal :shrug:
Falls under the same thing as hate-speech, except instead of writing about it online, broadcasting in on TV or Radio etc..you're hard-wiring it into your children. :shrug:

Nothing new under the sun
The parents have every right to raise their lil nazi any way they wish. Whether you, I or the government controlled education system agrees or not. Nothing was illegal.

Yes, they do. Tonks's point was that sending a child to school that way is just as bad (if not worse) as emotionally and physically abusing her yourself. If they couldn't anticipate a bad reaction then they're just too stupid to have kids in the first place.
Apparently not.
"This isn't, you know, a bunch of ... skinheads running around the streets in neo-Nazi gear," she said. "It's not about that. It's about being proud of who you are and what you are, and I don't have a problem with anybody feeling pride in who they are."
I would never consider myself a neo-Nazi," she said. "I consider myself a proud Scottish chick."

She says she does not belong to any group, yet has a personal belief in white pride and talks collectively about a feeling that "people are very ignorant to our politics because of media bias."

She also defends the use of the swastika, pointing out that it is based on an ancient symbol for prosperity.

She rejects a suggestion that someone seeing it drawn on a child would be unlikely to interpret it as anything other than a Nazi image.
She also defends the use of the swastika, pointing out that it is based on an ancient symbol for prosperity.

Good coaching. Semantic bullshit, but good coaching.
She's a Scottish chick, proud of her heritage, trying to quote an Indian sigil for prosperity to defend herself. :shrug: