Swastika'd 7yr old gets taken by Child Protection

Why isn't every single Muslim child taken away from thier Muslim parents then as it is written and taught to them to hate all people from the West? They hate dogs, they hate other religions and are more intollerant than any other society. The girls in many cases are not to have freedom of choice when it comes to wearing the hijab and some fathers are even reported in killing thier children for denying wearing the hijab.

I guess any parents opinions even if they may differ from another parents are not allowed to be told to children then too. I guess they wish to take all children as all parents are diffent. Is gay pride parades being marched down streets and all the antics and comotions in plain daylight when children are awake not more harmful as a visual and unnatural behaviour that children would not even understand a man shaking his butt and hugging another man while marching down a street not more harmful than a symbol or picture?

Parents I suppose if they do not believe in such things as Gays when they see such things are discriminating. I guess only Muslims and Gays have rights to be proud of who they are.

Excuse me but I am Christian and I feel I have the right to teach my kids my beliefs too and that includes that I am against these two things and that I love dogs too even if they are black dogs.

Taking children away from loving homes at such young ages regardless of a parents beliefs which as stated by this mother was only for pride and not for discrimination purposes will do more harm in the long wrong.

Can parents not tell thier children it does not matter your skin colouring, but to be Canadian or American that those coming here should at least respect the country and thier beliefs? Cripes I guess children cannot learn what thier parents believe in and parents are not allowed to instill upon thier children who they are as a person and what they have learned in life as I do believe a lot of what people have lived and seen in life is what makes them believe what they do. The only ones allowed to teach kids it seems is the schools and that is that being Gay is normal and to accept Muslims for what they believe in but we as parents are not allowed to have our rights and our freedoms to teach what we believe in too.

Shame on protective services.

Hey Mom why is that man marching down the street in a dress in make-up kissing that man and touching his behind. That is ok Mom, what do you think of that? I have no right to have thoughts on that. Mom, is Muslims really wanting peace. Yes, they say they do and I have to believe it. Mom I seen the picture of the cute puppy what are you reading. Nothing hun After the child glances over the paper and reads some. Mom, it says the police apologized for offending what is so offending about a puppy. I am not allowed to answer your questions please go to read a comic book. Mom, what is your opinion of this symbol. I have no right to have opinions please go ask your teacher what I should think.
Wait...stop....what would happen if you tied a pork chop to a puppy and then threw it into a pack of dogs? Now what do you think would happen to a child if you wrote a swastiza on a child and sent them to school? It's bad parenting. It is going to endanger the child - emotionally or physically.
Why isn't every single Muslim child taken away from thier Muslim parents then as it is written and taught to them to hate all people from the West? They hate dogs, they hate other religions and are more intollerant than any other society. The girls in many cases are not to have freedom of choice when it comes to wearing the hijab and some fathers are even reported in killing thier children for denying wearing the hijab.


Hey Mom why is that man marching down the street in a dress in make-up kissing that man and touching his behind. That is ok Mom, what do you think of that? I have no right to have thoughts on that. Mom, is Muslims really wanting peace. Yes, they say they do and I have to believe it. Mom I seen the picture of the cute puppy what are you reading. Nothing hun After the child glances over the paper and reads some. Mom, it says the police apologized for offending what is so offending about a puppy. I am not allowed to answer your questions please go to read a comic book. Mom, what is your opinion of this symbol. I have no right to have opinions please go ask your teacher what I should think.

Methinks you have a problem. Most muslims have no problems with the West. You're judging an entire religion on less than 1% of its followers.
Methinks you have a problem. Most muslims have no problems with the West. You're judging an entire religion on less than 1% of its followers.

I have the right to believe what I believe after all I lived 14 years married to a Muslim man and even wore the hijab and then one day I woke up and got tired of the way I was being mistreated and not allowed to go outside myself even as a grown woman. None the less it is a very very long story of abuses. I could ramble on and on for hours on this subject. But, personally I have met many and it is all unjust and unfair. I have studies Islam intensly as I said I once even wore the hijab myself.

But, yes people do form opinions from life experiences. I have seen them shake thier fists at the clothes they see people wear from inside thier cars and heard all the conversations. As I said I have lived it and in my opinion it is two faced, polite to the face of another and then speaking badly of how they live behind thier backs

1% is being very generous do you not think when the children will be told that saying off in thier religion is good for death and considered the most offensive thing to say. That any skin they show will burn in hell. The girls are taught from a young age to learn to cook and clean. I have personally seen a young girl shipped back via airplane at the age of 16 to go meet her future husband. I spoke to her and she did not wish to go but felt there no other alternative as it was he brother who was getting the college education from her father. Even if they do treat thier children good in thier opinions the child will be exposed to hatress of our society again and again. I have sat in rooms with them as they are talking to shakes and getting a shakes opinion of this and that it is enough to make your head spin. This is all in thier koran even if they do not speak it it IS taught to them.
None the less it is a very very long story of abuses.

Which, after the first one, is a choice you made to live with. If you were in a country that doesn't offer you choices (say, in the middle east) the choice is no choice. If you were in western Europe or Canada or the USA, you stayed & accepted the limitations placed on you by your own free will. Ugly & painful perhaps. but still true.
I have the right to believe what I believe after all I lived 14 years married to a Muslim man.

you sure can believe whatever you want, but it sounds to me like you were simply married to an asshole. was this guy a convert? where's he from? what sect? what's the whole story?
you sure can believe whatever you want, but it sounds to me like you were simply married to an asshole. was this guy a convert? where's he from? what sect? what's the whole story?

No, Damascus Syria, Sunni and as I said too long a story, but he would say that he had his freedom to play cards all the time and women should not even go to a cinema he told me this once when I wanted to go out to a movie with a girlfriend of mine. None the less for that part I do know they are not all the same as I have seen some women have freedom in that regard. The point though however is that women do have to ask a husbands permission and it is law.

Then there is also where do you really draw the line, religious symbols come in all shapes and forms ie... crosses, the arabic writing for allah, playboy bunnies, crescents, stars, suns, moons and probably many many more?

If someone could say it is for thier own beliefs, religious or personal for that matter, then why should anyone infringe on someones beliefs if they say it is for peaceful reasons as with this case. If that is the case this is merely an example that almost all children in my opinion are subject to opinions and beliefs all the time. People will always say they have the right to this and to that but who really has the rights? I believe it is not descendants of the first settlers.
No, Damascus Syria, Sunni and as I said too long a story, but he would say that he had his freedom to play cards all the time and women should not even go to a cinema he told me this once when I wanted to go out to a movie with a girlfriend of mine. None the less for that part I do know they are not all the same as I have seen some women have freedom in that regard. The point though however is that women do have to ask a husbands permission and it is law.

Then there is also where do you really draw the line, religious symbols come in all shapes and forms ie... crosses, the arabic writing for allah, playboy bunnies, crescents, stars, suns, moons and probably many many more?

If someone could say it is for thier own beliefs, religious or personal for that matter, then why should anyone infringe on someones beliefs if they say it is for peaceful reasons as with this case. If that is the case this is merely an example that almost all children in my opinion are subject to opinions and beliefs all the time. People will always say they have the right to this and to that but who really has the rights? I believe it is not descendants of the first settlers.

:rolleyes: I've been to the Middle East, and I've never had a problem. I had more trouble with people in New York City than Kuwait City. What you are describing sounds more like a bad marriage. I also notice that you didn't really respond to this...

Gonz said:
Which, after the first one, is a choice you made to live with. If you were in a country that doesn't offer you choices (say, in the middle east) the choice is no choice. If you were in western Europe or Canada or the USA, you stayed & accepted the limitations placed on you by your own free will. Ugly & painful perhaps. but still true.

If you were not born and raised in that type of environment, then you made a bad choice, and now you wish to blame everything but yourself. :shrug:
No, Damascus Syria, Sunni and as I said too long a story, but he would say that he had his freedom to play cards all the time and women should not even go to a cinema he told me this once when I wanted to go out to a movie with a girlfriend of mine. None the less for that part I do know they are not all the same as I have seen some women have freedom in that regard. The point though however is that women do have to ask a husbands permission and it is law.

whose law?

far as i recall, syria, despite being authoritarian, is fairly secular. maybe kinda have to be when them assad guys are alawi, eh?

again, methinks this guy was just a wanker.

but you'll certainly get no argument from me about the traditional gender ideology of the arabian peninsula, which infects islam in some pockets.