
ris said:
you wanna be careful doing that - Chocomochareastero is a carefully balanced nutritional beverage designed to provide the body with the following:

800% the bodys recommended fortnightly amount of sugar
48mg of neat cocao/100mg
63% the bodys lifetime dose of gamma radiation per serving
an uncanny ability to stay awake

adding vodka is a risk that cannot be condoned by Chocomochareastero corp and is done so at the users own discretion. any drunkeness/arrests/hair growth/skin peeling cannot be blamed on us.


:laugh: classic.

We were going to get some take-out and watch a movie we rented (Kung Fu Hustle) but we wound up doing that last night. So I have no idea.

Tomorrow, my best friend and I are going to the arboretum where I'm getting married to take pictures, then to the bridal store to take pictures of the dress. Then I'm going to use a gift card I got for my birthday to go out to lunch. Then... Probably home, update my website, order myself a new hard drive and CPU for my birthday present to myself.