
I have to work tomorrow hooking configuring pc's for roadrunner, oh well my kid has a hockey game tonight on the ice which is where I like to be anyway.
More painting for me. I also need to get that Casio keyboard working with my sons computer. Usually grill out Saturday night, take it easy on Sunday.
tonight: nothing. I'm all alone (again) and there isn't any liquor in the house :(

tomorrow: driving lessons, and besides that, nothing but sleeping. I've worked too much the last months...

sunday: gotta work again...starting at 06:30 hr :mad2:

God, I hate life sometimes....and GOD ALMIGHTY: NO COMMENT!
Ohhh c'mon guys, i'm going to get drunk, starting.......ohhhh, the party already started without me.

*invites everyone*
First beer of the night (7:10pm). One of many I'm sure.

A lovely ice-cold Tiger Beer. Mmmmmmm... :)

YEAH BABY!! I found some beer after all, a LOT of beer :D

Yes, I am alone at home, me and my beer! :eek:
And I am drunk now...or so I think. Yes, I'm pretty drunk allright....turns out well after all.

Gonna sleep now. 'nite!
you wanna be careful doing that - Chocomochareastero is a carefully balanced nutritional beverage designed to provide the body with the following:

800% the bodys recommended fortnightly amount of sugar
48mg of neat cocao/100mg
63% the bodys lifetime dose of gamma radiation per serving
an uncanny ability to stay awake

adding vodka is a risk that cannot be condoned by Chocomochareastero corp and is done so at the users own discretion. any drunkeness/arrests/hair growth/skin peeling cannot be blamed on us.


TGIF, yea it's cool...but I"M ON VACATION, that is so much better:bounce:
The whole fantasy date fell through. :( Damn women. Oh well, raincheck promised, I doubt it will be delivered. :)

Going to New Orleans tomorrow for the jazz festival. :cool: