take it all off


New Member
i was just wondering, how mainstream is bikini waxing? i mean, is it as common as, say, shaving your legs or armpits ... or even your upper lip?

and if it is that common, do you do it at home or go to a professional?
I depilatory "there" usually. I'm terrified to wax. Shaving is easy enough but it isn't the longest lasting.

But I think it's common.

Brazillian waxes and laser removal jobs seem to be a lot more common now. I keep hearing radio commercials for hair-removal and its one of the first that they mention...even before legs, underarms or eyebrow shaping.
I've tried waxing the bikini several times, but I just keep missing spots, so I just fork out the $50 and get it done professionally. Hurts less that way as well. :blank:
I have shaved it once or twice - disasterous fuck ups both times. Home waxing is a schlep - it's kinda hard bending (and keeping) your legs behind your head and trying not to get hot wax all over yourself and then to get the strip to sit right - blah, just a schlep. Getting it done professionally is cheaper in the long run and works much, much better.

I am trying to save up a bit to have it done with the lazer pretty soon though - will tell you how that went.
Ooh, do let me know how the laser treatment goes - may consider getting it done sometime in the future, myself. Waxing is a bitch in that it doesn't seem to last that long for me. :mope:
BeardofPants said:
Ooh, do let me know how the laser treatment goes - may consider getting it done sometime in the future, myself. Waxing is a bitch in that it doesn't seem to last that long for me. :mope:

Will do - someone said it's like being snapped by rubber bands. Which is probably a huge flippen understatement, but I can live with that. I reckon winter is probably the best time to get it done, since you're not allowed to be in the sun for about 6 weeks (not that I get much sun on my nunies these days anyway - hottest thing that gets around those parts is the fireman). Waxing also doesn't last very long on me - a friend of mine used the laser treatment on her face and it worked beautifully, so in my quest to be completely free of excessive hair I will deffo give it a go.

(Just don't expect pics)
how much does this laser thingie cost? when does women hair growth slow down? after menopause? and that's like at 50? that leaves me with 20 more years of shaving....it might be worth it.
Waxing can be a pain in the ass. Bikini line gets shaved, the rest gets yanked by Silk Epil, which is just as effective as waxing, but done by a machine. First few times are painful, but you get used to it. Brazilian is what most women tend to get done nowadays. I've considered laser as well, but it's something like 150.00 per session. I'll hold onto my money thank you!
BeardofPants said:
I've tried waxing the bikini several times, but I just keep missing spots, so I just fork out the $50 and get it done professionally. Hurts less that way as well. :blank:

how does that work?
do you strip down nekkid & let the pro pour hot wax on you?

i've only done the shaving thing. wax just sounds painful.
...of course, after 2 kids, i should be able to handle any pain, right? :lloyd:
kuulani said:
how does that work?
do you strip down nekkid & let the pro pour hot wax on you?

i've only done the shaving thing. wax just sounds painful.
...of course, after 2 kids, i should be able to handle any pain, right? :lloyd:

same as leg waxing, jsut more akward positions, brazillian you are up on all fours with your ass in the air at one point so they get everything

*pauly has cable*