Taming the Beast


Well-Known Member
Well .. never thought it'd happen ... but it did.

I'm in love.

Don't adjust your screens, you're seeing correctly. I am in love.

He's 42, divorced, has 2 daughters (they live with their mom in the mainland) and he's so great.... he is a distributor for a media group and is also in the Air Force Guard (he's the dude that refuels planes as they're flying). He's so completely different from men I'm used to dating. We met through a mutual friend over lunch - just some friends getting together for lunch - and it just grew so steadily over the last few months ... and before we knew it, we were saying "I love you" to each other for the first time, at the exact same time. We've kept it on the down-low, deciding that it'd be best if we saw where this was heading before emotionally involving anyone else - especially our children - into this relationship. But once we were sure, we pretty much announced it to the world LOL ... The kids love him .. he loves the kids ... he's met most of my family, with the exception of ku'u because she's been on the mainland with her family.

So .. the beast is tamed. Stranger things have happened, I suppose :D
A.B.Normal said:
So ,are you saying we were told before her :eek: *peepwall*

oh god NO LOL .. she'd KILL me ... hehehehe ..

I told her about him, but she didn't get a chance to meet him. She will when she gets back.

HomeLAN said:
Any idea how long it'll be before you can meet his daughters?

No, unfortunately. They are 12 and 14 so they'd either get along great with my younger two or hate each other LOL ... He did say that they'd both probably swoon over my oldest son so he's a little grateful that they're not here just yet LOL.
nalani said:
oh god NO LOL .. she'd KILL me ... hehehehe ..

I told her about him, but she didn't get a chance to meet him. She will when she gets back.

Phew thats a relief ,I was going to miss your postings (hard to do with two broken arms). :winkkiss:
does he cook? does he clean? can he change a tire in the pouring rain without calling AAA? more importantly, does he cater to your every whim and flight of fancy? he'd better! congrats, na!
Congrats Na! Seems there are quite a few of us falling in love or meeting new people here lately. It started with me, then Mare, and now you. Love is definitely in the air. Looks like OTC has brought us some luck in the love department.

Hope all goes great and enjoy the moment.
I'm so happy for you, Na, that's just wonderful. Things are really coming together beautifully for you. Ya done good - cheers! :beerbang:

I still got nuttin', had a painfully long dry spell. I think I'm having a visitor the end of the month, so I think the drought may be over. :eyemouth:
Leslie said:
I'm so happy for you, Na, that's just wonderful. Things are really coming together beautifully for you. Ya done good - cheers! :beerbang:

I still got nuttin', had a painfully long dry spell. I think I'm having a visitor the end of the month, so I think the drought may be over. :eyemouth:

visitor? wear something sexy for me, lol